
How can I get my television brighter?

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I have an older JVC television, and he picture is still very dark, even with the colour settings at their brightest. Is there anything I can do either by the settings or by opening the television and fixing something?




  1. I wouldn't, it may not come back on.

  2. adjust the brighness or contrast

  3. turn up the brightness

  4. Sounds like your tube is going, also in really old TV's there were 2 nobs in the back which you'll need a phillips head s***w driver to adjust, they are the brightness and contrast, maybe even a vertical hold nob aswell as a horizontal, all older Cathode Ray Sets have the nobs...

    look around and see if you can find them..  other wise keep your color down, max color makes it rich and dark....

  5. the last resort is to remove the back. On the chassis, (the circuit board that runs the picture tube) is the flyback, this is a dark colored transformer with usualy a red wire that looks like a spark plug wire going up to the side of the picture tube. Anyway, on the flyback is two k***s, one is for focus, the other is brightness. Be carefull with your hands around here, this flyback puts out about 25,000 volts. turn up I think the bottom k**b, while looking into a mirror you have placed in front of the tv. This should give you some more brightness. you may then have to adjust your  other front adjustments to compensate. Your tv is showing signs of wear. This will work for awhile, but you better start thinking about a new one. Might as well get a HD digital because this is what will be transmitted after Feb 2009.

    You can also adjust your focus with the other k**b if your picture has gotten fuzzy. leave everything else alone, you might make it all worse.

    To keep from getting shocked, The guy who taught me always kept one hand in his back pocket, to aviod making an "arcing point" Just use one hand, and dont touch any of the traces on the circuit board. Most things on there wont shock you, but some will. most of the voltages on there are less than 120 V. (I guess 220, if you are in Europe)  but as I said, the flyback itself outputs a lot of voltage, (but very little amperage) Ive got it a couple of times, it hurts! just be carefull, and as I said, use a mirror so you can see the front of the screen without squirming around. keep your other hand away, and just reach in carefully and turn the k**b, Its not that bad. Dont touch that red wire going up. Before touching the flyback, examine it well with a flashlight, and make sure it is not broken or cracked. It probably will be fine. If it is broken , just get a new tv. The labor costs to fix it will be more than the tv is worth. But this is something you can do to make it last awhile if it is not cracked or broken. Its not that dangerous if you are carefull. We do it all the time at work.

    Unplug the tv while you are removing the back and examining it. plug it back in and turn it on, just before you are ready to adjust it. Make sure you have a sturdy workplace to put the tv on, it is better to stand up while you are doing this, so only your shoes are grounded. Use common sense. put it on a work bench or a table or something, not a tv tray.

    Even if it is unplugged, there are a few large capacitors in there that can store a charge, so dont just go grabbing stuff, dont touch anything other than what I told you about. Just to be safe. I am not trying to scare you, it is really not that bad, but no reason to get a shock by messing around, (The shock is usualy not as bad as what you hit your elbow on when you pull your arm out fast!)

    One more thing, be carefull when removing the back and try  to see how it will go back on, they are a little tricky the way they fit together sometimes. and be carefull not to break the neckboard on the tube. If you do, you're screwwed.

  6. turn up the brightness in settings

  7. Hook it up to a 220line.

  8. try increasing brightness

  9. Your picture tube is probably dying.  Not much else you can do.

  10. There is nothing you can do to make it brighter without replacing the tube. This may cost as much as a new TV.

  11. try finding the t.v directions and figure it out or push the menu button and see if its on there

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