
How can I get my ten-year old niece to grown any taller?

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My ten-year old niece though weighs 130 kilograms, is only 4ft 2inches tall, way below those of her class mates. Is there any method by which I can get her to grow any taller?




  1. I have never heard of any way to make yourself grow taller, sorry she is going to be short.

  2. some people don't have any major growth spurts until puberty. You can't make someone grow taller than they are going to grow aside from making sure they eat healthy and get the rest they need. Scientists say that kids grow while they sleep so maybe she needs more sleep.

    My twins have always been small for their age but now they are 13 and just hit puberty not long ago and they are growing like weeds now.

  3. I was really short too (still am) there is nothing wrong with it. just make sure she drinks milk to have strong bones. you can't MAKE anyone get any taller. it's just her genetic makeup. plus she still has time for a growth spurt.

  4. if this is the biggest worry you have about your nieces healthy you should forget about it and move on , so what if she is going to be short, and she still may not be  being as she is only 34 and only 5'0'' tall...big deal?  i dont bump my head  much  lol.  my husband is 6'3'' and loves me just as  i am, you should do the same for your neice.

    you should KINDLY  help her with her weight and stop worrying about her height, at that weight you could roll her out to 10 feet tall and she still wouldnt be proportioned correctly    and i dont say that to be mean, im  a little  on the heavy side myself after 2 kids. i say it because shes still young and can get herself  back in shape alot easier  now then she will be able to years down the road when she is making all her decisions all by herself.

  5. There is no way to make someone grow taller.  Unless you are in an underdeveloped country, lack of vitamins and minerals should not be an issue.  Height is determined at birth by genetics. Usually a child will grow to the height of her same s*x parent (within a couple of inches)  So look at her mom's height, that is a good indication where she will be as an adult.  She could even hit a growth spurt also.  At 11 I was bout 5'6'' and everyone thought I'd be a giant as an adult.  However I just got my height early and did not grow much after that.  I am now 5'8''.  Hers could be the opposite.  It's possible to shoot up 6 inches in a year!  Good luck and she should not have any issues with this.  I always felt bad for very short boys and men, but with girls and women it's cute and dainty.  I'd love to be shorter, I just think it's so feminine.  Good luck and best wishes to her :-)

  6. Of course not.  Height is determined by genetics.

  7. platform shoes? stilts?  You can't mess with nature or genetics.

  8. First off 130 kilograms is 286 pounds (roughly) so that is obsese by anyones standards; she needs to lose about about 160 pounds. Secondly her height is normal, maybe on the small end of normal, but it's still in the healthy range. Trust me she will be entering puberty really soon and will grow like 6 inches in under a year. There's nothing you can do to increase her height, thats all mother natures job. You can do something about her weight though; cut back her junk food intake, increase her excercise, cut back on caffeine, increase her fruits and vegtebales.

  9. are you the child's legal guardian?  IF not this is a matter best left to her parents, if indeed it is a health issue.  

    I am 4'7" and I do just fine.  People are nice about getting me things off top shelves in the grocery. I just have to ask.  

    Height is in the mind.  Although I did not think that way at 10 or at 15...<G>

  10. Milk! And dairy! im 6ft 1 and still growing!

  11. I am so offended by this question. Why on earth would you want her any different than what she is. Be happy and feel blessed she's healthy. My 2 oldest girls are dwarfs and my 11 yr old is only 3"1. Has many health issues but i wouldn't want her any other way. Start enjoyin ya'lls time together and quit focusing on how tall she is.

  12. its usually all about genetics. theres no way to make someone taller by some method...thats absurd. Dwarfs however sometimes get there legs lengthened usually by about an inch to make themselves taller (drs operate somehow and lengthen the leg bone), but it barely makes a difference and really not worth the pain and money.

  13. You may want to get her tested for vitamin deficiencies. malabsorbtion of vitamins and a poor diet would be a major contributing factor to growth. Also, look at the parents. Genetics is the other major factor. If all the women in the family are short, she just may be taking after that family trait.

  14. People grow at their own rates.  She hasn't even hit puberty yet, so give her some time to grow on her own, there really isn't anything but human growth hormone that could help, but she would have to go to a specialist to be given that.

  15. I think your concern needs to be more on the fact that she's 130 kilograms!! (That's 286lbs!!)

    If she's really that heavy and that short, she is headed for an early grave. You can't make her taller but if she doesn't get some weight off, she's going to die very young.

  16. why would you want to mess with nature?

    She is 10, in 5 yrs she could be the tallest kid in the class.

    Let nature run its course, there are advantages to being short, there are disadvantages to being tall.  But since she is 10, there is no way to know if she will be short or tall....

  17. She's only 10, she hasn't hit any major growth spurts yet that happen during puberty.

    You're just going to have to wait.

  18. there is a growth hormone of some sort, its shots, don't know much else about it BUT i do know that hanging from the monkey bars upside down doesn't help=D

  19. Some people are just naturally short. All you can do is to make sure she eats healthily so she has the best chance she can to grow taller by herself. 130 kg? She badly needs a healthier diet.

    And I'd presume that at that height and weight her parents have discussed it with the doctor?

  20. wait.

    or feed her miracle grow!

    jk... do not give children plant food.

  21. thats about asking how i can make my daughter shorter.  she is the way God made her.  instead of trying to find ways to make her taller why dont you instill in you niece that no matter her height you love her just the way she is.

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