
How can I get my water faucet valves unstuck?

by Guest34260  |  earlier

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I have to turn off the water under my kitchen sink, but the valves connecting to hot and cold are stuck. I can't get them to budge, and I don't own a wrench. (I am female, live alone (not that it should matter). Anyway, any help is greatly appreciated. I would like to try and fix this leaky faucet myself.:)




  1. Get a can of WD40 (great stuff for such problems as yours) and borrow a wrench from a neighbor. Spray the stuck stuff, wait a few minutes and give it a go with the wrench.  Remember that clockwise is tight and counterclockwise is loose.  RIghty Tighty, Lefty Loosey

  2. behind the handles are nuts, loosen them alittle, maybe max 1/4 turn, then try to turn, some water might come out so put rag under valve, retighten after you turn back on

  3. You might try gently tapping on the center of the valve handles where the screws go in. This may break it lose for you. Then try turning and bumping more. You can use a butter knife or meat tenderizer if you have no s***w driver.

  4. Wrap some paper towels on the handle, it may give you more leverage. If you need to turn the water off, and you have access to the water main, in the basement, you could turn that off instead. Also if you could loosen the nut behind the handle that could help too. I would look for the water main valve, it good to know where that is if you should have an accident and need to turn the water off.

  5. You might try turning the faucet off under the sink.  That might relieve the "pressure" of the water and allow you to turn them off.

    Sounds like you need a new faucet.

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