
How can I get my wife to smile at me?

by  |  earlier

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My wife is sort of grouchy, like she tries hard to be responsible and she doesn't trust fun. She doesn't like to dance or joke around. I'm sort of serious also, but if I do crack a joke she just scowls at me with a look that says "that's stupid". However, if either of my two brother in laws crack jokes, she busts out laughing. It's very annoying. What can I do to get her to smile at me? Also, I've noticed in amateur p**n that regular looking girls will give a big smile right after a ****job, while they are wiping their face. Does this happen to a lot of regular women? Is there some automatic chemistry that makes women feel so satisfied that they made a man ejaculate so they automatically smile?




  1. First for the p**n thing.  These girls are on camera and getting paid-it's FAKE!  Sadly, I have known p**n stars personally and all that is fake.  Sounds like your wife sincerly does not like you.  Maybe start doing some nice things for her.  Flowers, candle lit dinners, bubble baths, sending flowers to her work, etc.

  2. Why is it that when men are finished watching p**n they automatically think it was real and their woman should act that way. I wouldn't smile at you either.  

  3. You are not good in bed.  I am not trying to be mean, but even the btchiest woman in the world will smile if she gets some good s*x.  You need to give her an o****m.  If you don't give your woman an o****m she will not respect you as a man.

    Also, what the h**l is wrong w/ you?  Don't you know p**n stars, average looking or not, are ACTORS and ACTRESSES????  A director tells them to smile when they are done....the reason a director tells them to smile when they are done is because this is what men want to see, not cuz it is real.

  4. if you already know she is a grouch then that is what she is going to be to you...

  5. Number one, p**n is not real life just so you know.

    K if you want her to smile, you have to do something worth a smile.

    Pleasure her. Rekindle your relationship. Be romantic, be funny( but dont overdue it with weird jokes).

    If shes feeling grouchy, rub her feet.

    Do whatever you can, be creative. :)

  6. Have you tried asking her what she would like for the two of you to do for fun? Have you asked her what kind of jokes she enjoys?

       Seems like she resents you for some other reason. Does she?

    No real life wife is going to smile and be happy through creepy s*x.  You sound very immature.

  7. Pull your pants down

  8. Pin her down and Tickle her.

  9. They are putting on a show for the camera....silly boy.

    ***EDIT*** Amateur p**n, professional p**n, same difference...they are putting on a show for the camera. Why are you concerned about a smile afterwards? You say you don`t get any anyhow, so what`s the point you are trying to make? If you want that smile, then go and make some movies yourself. I`m sure all those self-respecting people that make these types of movies would just love to get you infected...

  10. The only part of this question I can answer is that women in p**n smile after giving a BJ because they are paid actresses.  

    I think it would be very difficult to smile after a shot of spooge plasters all over their face.

  11. How did your question go from "How can I get my wife to smile at me" to "I've noticed in amateur p**n that regular looking girls will give a big smile right after a ****job, while they are wiping their face. Does this happen to a lot of regular women?"

    WTF? Maybe you need to start going down on her more and she will smile at you  

  12. She is probably scowling because of your love for p**n - and what's worse is you think that garbage is real.  Give that stuff up and get back to real life.  I'm sure an addiction to taking care of your family and paying attention to real life will make her smile.

  13. Okay, that ridiculous! What you can do is put little notes all over the place , like a scavenger hunt, make it interesting, that will lead her to you, in the bedroom, dressed in nothing but a rose in your mouth for her. Or you can be creative in some way like that. Something funny and exciting. Make some real conservative notes and then to her surprise, something real quirky and sweet. Put on a little skit. Be creative. Good Luck!

  14. she doesn't fancy you - if she did she'd be cracking up at every joke however lame - maybe that's why she doesn't smile after a b job.

  15. She doesn't love you anymore.

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