
How can I get myself motivated to do my schoolwork?

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I'm doing American School of Correspondence and I can't seem to get myself to sit down and concentrate on the work. I don't get a lot done because of this and I'm already a bit behind. I just need to get moving and really put my mind to it but I don't have the motivation. Any advice?




  1. DEADLINES is what motivate me!! Tell your teacher that you can't concentrate and ask for deadlines !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    Good Luck & Happy Valentines Day

  2. 1) You need to have a goal in place. What's your long-term goal? Get your diploma? What about this year's goal? When would you like all your work done by?

    2) You need a plan to achieve that goal. Figure out how much work you have to do, divide it into chunks for how many months you have left, then split the first month up to know what you need to do per week.

    3) You need a daily plan to achieve your goal. This means that each and every morning, you sit down and write out what you need to do that day to stick to your bigger plan, then you do it. Remind yourself of why you are doing it, if you need to. Set some rules for yourself and repeat them as much as necessary. "Work comes first." Make sure your plan includes reasonable breaks (usually no more than 15 minutes between subjects, no more than 1 hour for lunch)

    4) Don't expect yourself to actually want to do the work. You can make yourself do it even if you don't want to do it. Once you get into a good work habit, you probably won't even think about whether or not you want to do it, you'll just do it.

  3. Small rewards to yourself on a daily / weekly basis.  

    A motivational mantra that you repeat to yourself anytime you feel yourself weakening.

    Remind yourself that there are other boring tasks down the road anyway - at least this one provides education.  


    Probably the best: Get a study partner/group.  If this isn't possible, get a commitment from someone near you.  Maybe he/she can study something different or just read (they don't have to be in your class).

  4. wow sorry i have no usefull advice because i have the same problem!

    its horrible. I should care more....but i dont!

    the only thing that motivates my butt is a deadline. gah!

    sometimes if i get myself a large coffee from starbucks and i take my work to the library i can get a lot done.

    ...i should do that tomorrow actually...

    good luck!

  5. Yes, doing your work is a choice, and if we waited until we felt like doing anything most likely at any given day many of us would get little, or nothing done.

    So don't waste time finding a way to get motivated, simply get moving and do it in spite of whatever prevents you from doing so now; such is life, school or work...

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