
How can I get myself to go on a Rollercoaster?

by Guest21393  |  earlier

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Hi I'm going on a school trip to a theme park next week and this girl who I know is going to take me on all of the Roller coasters. How can I go on theme? I have only been on three Ghost Trains (Only one of them was really scary.) (The other two were not very scary.) how do I get myself to go on one? X




  1. I got over my fear of roller coasters by visiting a theme park with friends who would force me on them... which I guess is what you're doing. It's not very fun to sit at the bottom and wait for your friend to ride on it, so you won't have a choice but to go with her. I bet once the ride is over, you'll feel silly for being afraid because you'll have had so much fun.

    Another tip - when the ride starts and the cars are going up the big first hill, look straight ahead and not to the right or left!

  2. I am terrified of roller coasters, well just about anything slightly scary.  My advice is NOT to do the smaller ones first.  I have tried this and after one small one I am way too scared to do anymore, and I look like a loser.  Do the biggest one, and at least if you can't ride anymore you punked out on the best one they have.  Never look when you're going up, it just makes you think of what goes up.....must come down.  But really I say, "come down with the flu," stay home and have her bring you Chicken Noodle soup since you're so "depressed" that you weren't able to go and looking so forward to it.  That was my best experience with coaster parks.  Good Luck whatever you decide!

  3. everybody is afraid i get really scared to so all u do is get on close Ur eyes and then the ride will start and then open Ur eyes while u are going up the hill then close them going down also don't be scared sit with a friend sit on the left as well it is less scary

  4. remember is only a ride. it will be over soon. remember that thousands of people have been on the ride before you and there will be thousands more. so it must be fun.

    if you are afraid, then try to go on a smaller one first. and build up. it will make the more intense ones feel less intense. most of all have fun.

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