
How can I get myself to stop flipping out about AP English? Should I even take it?

by Guest62258  |  earlier

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AP English is stressing me wayyyyy out and I haven't even finished the summer assignment yet. PROBLEM IS I can't think of what to write for this timed essay at all and I'm supposed to write it in 40-45 minutes and I don't... alksjvlsjgewljg. I'm really confused? I was recommended for the class but holy sh*t. Am I supposed to be having a hard time with the summer assignments? *freaks out*




  1. If you're talking about AP English Language, I can't say from experience because I didn't take it.  But I took AP English Lit and I'm glad I did.  It was a pretty easy class [it's true, I BSed my way through most of my essays and usually got 7s or 8s on them on the 9 point scale.]  I also barely studied for the AP test and managed to pass.  After taking it I wish I had taken AP Language as well.  I say go for it.  All AP classes make the summer work really hard and long to try to scare people away, but usually the class turns out to not be nearly as bad as the summer work suggests.  Good Luck!

  2. Don't worry about it. Just spend as much time as you need on your timed write. And that'll just be your benchmark for you; you'll learn to write faster. Everyone my year spent more than the 40 minutes on the timed write.

    you'll do fine in the class. And you don't HAVE to take the test, so don't worry about it.

  3. i just finished taking AP English. and i gotta tell ya, if your class is close to how mine was. timed writing assignments are nothing to freak about. they're usually worth little points (ours were worth 10) so even if you completely bomb the question your grade goes down maybe an 1/8 of a point? as far as the assignments themselves go, dont worry about em. usually your given a week to complete them and since its online (ours was) you can work on then anytime you want! just dont sweat it! and if worst comes to worst and you have no idea what to put down, BS your way through it. youll surprise yourself with how well you do when you have no idea what your talkin about! lol

  4. I just took honors English this year- at my school there is no such thing as AP English Language.  Even without the classroom preparation, the AP was fairly easy since I did ZERO prep work and practice tests and still got a 5.  However, I cannot speak for the difficulty of your class at your school, but if you want to have a shot at easy college credit and an additional grade point boost, I say you go for it.

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