
How can I get off this planet?

by Guest55783  |  earlier

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I've had enough of earth. I'd like to go to a different planet. How can I do this?




  1. I bet you're already out of this world.

  2. Quite a few people have left Earth, and all of them came back, probably due to nostalgia.

    So, as the saying goes "There's no place like home".


  3. nah, just pretend your on a different planet with elves and fairy's and stuff, trust me it works, but you need the acid and weed though.

  4. train to become an astronaut. either that or i heard some where that in the year 2020 or some year i forget. that there would be a rocket that took people in space for vacation for 600,000 dollar or more. I'm not kidding. so i guess if your no astronaut you'll be stuck on earth :DDD

  5. I'm tired of Earth too. Lets go to our own planet... hmmmm..... maybe we should colonize on Mars, just you and me. I'll try to raise 50 billion dollars, you raise the other 50 billion and then we'll hire some people to make us a space ship and terraform Mars ourself. I'll work on finding a way to thicken the atmosphere, you find out how to pack food, oxygen, and water for the 3 month journey. We'll launch from your place... too many neighbors where I am... they'll want to come along.

  6. Simply flip open you Federation issued Communicator and speak into it "Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life no this planet."

  7. People seem to give me a blank look when i tell them to just build their own rocket and get into space, see getting into space is kind of like the baby steps program from the movie "What about Bob?" once you can get into space on your own you will have "space cred" which is kind of like "street cred" but for astronauts and scientists, and once you have "space cred" you will have an easier time finding people to sponsor your future projects in space.

    Note: For those who aren't sure cred is short for credentials.

  8. Earn about 150 billion USD and assign yourself an astronaut seat on a Mars mission.  

  9. Hop on board the Virgin Galactic service then...if you have the money.

    Some day,  space tourism will be affordable by an average human so just wait.

    Play hopscotches to pass the time.

  10. drop some acid with that weed

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