
How can I get out of a ticket for no proof of insurance?

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I live in NJ. My husband is responsible for all bills, the insurance and the registration on his vehicle. I was driving his car in May and got pulled over for a cell phone violation (you cannot talk on the phone in NJ). The insurance card he had in the car was expired. My husband was at training in the Army that month and had forgotten to renew the insurance. Then, when he returned home, he was hospitalized for heart complications, so I missed the court date and a warrant was issued. I just paid the bail for the warrant, and they told me I had a mandatory appearance in September for not having insurance. My husbands now deployed in Iraq. I CANNOT have my license taken away. WHAT can I do? Plus, is this going to be on my permanent record as a misdemeanor? Any advice.




  1. Buy a new policy. Get your insurance current and plead guilty.  

  2. The answer may vary by person.It would be a good idea to hear some of them and try to choose the best one.Here is a good one.

  3. Your best bet is to go to court dressed in your Sunday best, plead guilty, and explain the situation to the judge.  Be sure to have documentation to show that your husband was at Army training, as well as documentation showing he was in the hospital when you had your first scheduled court date.  Tell the judge your husband usually handles the bills and you simply did not think about car insurance, and apologize for missing your first court date (with an explanation about your husband being hospitalized), but take full responsibility for everything and ask the judge for leniency.  If you show the judge that you are taking this seriously and that you are being an adult by owning up to your mistakes, chances are the judge will cut you a break (especially if you have no prior criminal record).  But if you go in there and whine, or if you act like you have an axe to grind, the judge is going to hammer you.

    P.S.:  Can't speak for New Jersey, but here in Michigan driving without insurance is a civil infraction, and the penalty is usually a fine.  Your bigger worry is missing your court date, but again, if you go in admitting responsibility and explaining your mistake, your chances of getting any contempt charges dropped are EXCELLENT.

  4. sadly its down to you....same as all drivers,its there duty to make sure the car is roadworthy and all docs up to included.

  5. What do you mean by "get out of a ticket"? You didn't have insurance and you missed a court date. What's there to get out of? Stop using your husband as an excuse and act responsibly. It's you driving with no insurance not him.

  6. You sure are having a run of bad luck but they have you on the legal aspect. All you can do is appear in court and pay the fines and hope it isn't too much. I don't think they will take your license. Be sure the car has insurance on it also.

  7. You will need to pay for your actions. You CAN, and may lose your license for a period of time.

  8. Stop  using the phone when you drive that is  very dangerous and tell the rest to the judge. I hope it works for you. You will have to prove every thing to the judge good luck.            

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