
How can I get out of babysitting my brother everyday???

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I got forced into babysitting my younger brother everyday from 7 in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon. Well, we're sleeping until like 9 or 10, but it's still really annoying. He's only 2 years younger than I am, but he acts like he's like 6. He's SOO hyper ALL day and he doesn't listen! He plays with stuff he's not sopposed to and he comes up to me and just starts punching me! I've tried telling on him, and he's gotten in trouble once but he still doesn't care. I've been babysitting everyday sinse beggening and I don't want to babysit him ALL the time. How can I get my mom to find him another babysitter on 2 days of the week and I'll watch him on the other 3. I hate not being able to go over friends whenever I want and getting in trouble when HE messes things up!

Thanks so much!


p.s. please don't report this = ) thanks




  1. Tell them in the nicest and most respectful manner, mom, dad, although I don't mind babysitting little Timmy(whatever the name of your little brother) I don't feel it's fair for me to have to babysit him all the time. That's why I know better not to have a child at a young age because I want to enjoy my childhood and my freedom. And right now I feel like he's my kid and all the responsibility is on me. On the other hand if your mom is a single mother struggling and cannot afford day care or a sitter, then you'll just have to be a little more understanding, I know it's hard but what can you do. I'm sure you love your mom and little brother and don't so much mind helping. Maybe she can get an adult family member to help out a bit. I know that's a huge responsibility whatever age you are and especially when you're young.

  2. I have to do this to some days!

    But what i do is i just ask my mom if my friends can come over to my house and help babysit! that way i can hang out with my friends and babysit my brother!

    Hope I Helped!

  3. Tell your parents your a child too not a babysitter, if they couldn't take care of their children themselves than they shouldn't of had them.  Tell them that you will start charging them for your services.

  4. i would tell your mom that it's not your job to babysit your brother.  you didn't make the decision to have him, so why should he be your responsibility? i would ask her to pay you and say that you're not getting a chance to have fun with your friends and he's really annoying. tell her that you need time to have fun and be a kid.

  5. Murder your brother, I suppose.

  6. Ask your parents if they can help, tell them that your brother needs more discipline than you are able to provide and it is really in his best interest to get someone at least a couple of days a week , perhaps a grandparent or other relative.

  7. I went through this too but it was all day everyday. You need to talk to your mom and tell her you cant do it anymore. Communication is key.

  8. get into things. like summer sports, or like reading programs.

    sign up for things.

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