
How can I get out of my "shell" and be more social?

by Guest59848  |  earlier

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How can I get out of my "shell" and be more social?




  1. If you have at least one friend, hang out with them a bit. Get to know their friends, and then become friends with them. Use the buddy system!

    Also join a group, sport, or club. It really helps you meet new people. If you don't like any groups, sports, or clubs that they have to offer, just join one. Who knows you might like it in the end. Friends can make boring things fun.

  2. Hey, I'm sort of an in my shell type poerson myself, so I speak from expereince.  In order to get out of your shell, think of things to say and then make the jump...sometimes you hav eto just say it.  Picture yoruself on the diving board of life.  You are a little kid and the water seems deep.  You want to jump but your legs just won't do it (sorta like the shell).  The only way to learn is to make the jump....go splashing into the water and come up.  If you place yourself into social situations it helps.  Get your friends to take you out and have a good time.  Dare yourself to talk more, and smile as you do it.  It's actually pretty hard if you think of a shell as being in your way.  Instead, picture the shell as being easy to break.  Keep a list of the special things you did in your day,and the times when your true self showed.  Make little goals for yourself.  It will also help you you if you find someone to help encourage you to come out.  Get him or her to secretly remind you to be the you that you truly are!  Hope those things help.  Tell me how it goes.

  3. bring people to you.  become beautiful and mysterious. pretend that you have a wonderful secret about everyone you talk to.  make others want to talk to you.  pretend that you have a very secretive, scandalous life outside of school, but you are a lock box of secrets that everyone will try to unlock.

  4. Talk to people, make friends, make aquaintances. You eventually will, and just be yourself. The last thing you want is trying to be popular and stuck-up.

  5. going our with friends and/or saying hi to strangers. You can pretty much do what you feel, but as long as you make sure that you becoming more social for you.

  6. do things that'll get you noticed.

    but dont do bad things for attention like failing school.

    talkto people... get the courage, even if it may take a while to build it up, and say hi.  pull your hair back to reveal your beautiful face.  wear bright, happy clothes like yellow, greens, blues, anything other than black.  try out for the school play or if you're out of school do community theatre.  anything that'll push your self esteem up.  and most importantly of all... love yourself.  people like the company of others who are happy and true to themselves.

    best of luck to you.

    <3 bianca

  7. Yeah, I hear you.  Just put yourself in social situations.  As you become more comfortable, the sociable nature in you will come out.  That doesn't mean you necessarily will become an extrovert, but instead be more comfortable and have more fun.

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