
How can I get out of this eating disorder cycle?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 21 and have been bulimic since I was 16. I've been in therapy for 3 years and have made a lot of improvements in my recovery. From the start of this year to about two months ago, I hadn't purged at all or been concerned with my appearance or weight remotely as much as I used to. My long term boyfriend and I have recently embarked upon a long distance relationship, and my eating disorder symptoms have progressively come back since then. It mostly has to do with the fact that I want to lose weight or look better before I see him again, even though he says he doesn't care about my weight and loves me for who I am and doesn't want me to get stuck in my bulimic patterns again. Still I can't seem to shake the desire to lose weight! That leads to attempts to diet or restrict, which leads to binges, which leads to purges and feelings of guilt, shame, disappointment, etc. How can I put an end to this c**p once and for all?

Please don't just suggest meds because I'm already prescibed them. Thank you!




  1. All you need is an effective and credible treatment center for this condition.  

  2. Keep going with your therapy This is not the place for an in depth answer you are looking for

  3. For me, the thoughts of my bulimia are always there, but what I do, is push them out of my head and choose not to act on them. Because once they come back into your head, and you let them, they won't go away.  

  4. How about if you make being healthy your goal instead of being thin? Healthy bodies are hugely attractive. They radiate a glow that is very alluring.

    To be healthy, you don't have to worry over every little thing you eat. You just have to fill up on complex carbs like brown rice, oatmeal, fresh veggies, and legumes. And eat everything else in moderation. Exercise. Take a vitamin every day. Get plenty of sleep. Give your mind something satisfying to think about (read good books, etc.) Do all these things and your weight will take care of itself. No more worrying about it.

    Also, I must mention, I had a guy friend some years ago that I absolutely adored. He went away for awhile. When he came back for a visit, he had lost a lot of weight. I couldn't tell him this, but he looked awful and I was so disappointed that he didn't look like his old self (or act like it either). He looked so much better with some weight on him. So you should believe your boyfriend when he says he loves you the way you are. I think he is telling you the truth.

    People who get too skinny from purging do NOT look healthy or good. They look ill like concentration camp victims.

    You don't want that look for yourself!

    Take care of yourself!! I hope you soon feel better.

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