
How can I get over my box more in petite allegro ballonné?

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I use Grishko Pro 2007 and found they're perfect for my feet; I've been using them for many years. However, recently one of my teachers pointed out a problem. He said I was not getting fully onto my box when I ballonné quickly. He said that with my arches I should be getting more onto my box.

My question is, how can I get over my box more fully in very fast petite allegro ballonné combinations? Do I simply have to train myself or are there tricks you use to get over the box very quickly?




  1. I think you need to do some investigating as to why you cant fully get over your box in these combinations.

    If you do the combination slowly, does that help?   If you do it at the barre does that help?  Sometimes if you can figure out what you need to do the movement correctly, you can see where you are going wrong or where you need more strength.

    What style of releve are you using?   It is a smooth releve or a spring?    Are you moving your center over your box, or flicking the box up under your center.

    For fast movements, I prefer to spring up, keeping my center still and bringing my box in to my center.    

    note to Hobbs:  there is ballone saute (jumping) and ballone releve (same step, but with a releve instead of a jump.) Both are called Ballone for short.  :)

  2. isn't ballone a jumping step? it all has to do with the extension of your feet. you could try bending your shoe a bit to soften it up but as long as you are pointing your foot when it leaves the ground then you should be fine.

    it comes with practice. steps should be complex enough to help you develop your skills but they shouldn't be impossible!

    good luck!

    EDIT: thanks for the tip! it's been about  5 years since i;ve danced so unfortunately my memory is leaving me haha

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