
How can I get over my coffee addiction?

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How can I get over my coffee addiction?




  1. Wednesday: Have your morning coffee and half as much as you normally would in the afternoon.

    Thursday: Morning coffee but tea in the afternoon

    Friday:  half dose of morning coffee, tea in afternoon

    Saturday:  Tea all day and keep decreasing the amount of tea each day, plan it so that your first zero caffeine day is one where you can relax.  You might get a bit of a headache for a day or two as your body withdraws.

    Be sure that you are getting plenty of sleep.  The basic concept is start substituting tea to break your body's addiction of the coffee-specific chemicals, and then taper off the tea to break your body's addiction to caffeine.  

  2. You have to give it up gradually. Studies have shown that when someone is addicted to coffee their brain relies on caffeine to function properly. If you reduce all your coffee immediately then you will get tired and struggle to concentrate and focus. In people who drink only 1 cup a day the studies show they can easily go without coffee and suffer very little consequence.

    If you want to be able to function without coffee I recommend a very slow and gradual process. I don't know how many cups you have at the moment but maybe reduce your intake by one cup a week. This will give time for your brain to adjust and you will soon be able to concentrate, focus and be alert without caffeine.

  3. think of the people addicted to addictive substances like crack and herion then remember your addicted to coffe and quit cold turkey

  4. I'm getting off of my soda addiction, different yet similar.

    I tried going cold turkey. . and it didn't work. Now I'm almost rid of it and I just limited myself.

    I started letting myself only have 2 cans a day, then a week later 1, then the next week one every other day. & so on.

    Fit my plan to how much you drink now & go for it.

    You can also try the replacement method which is when ever you want coffee you do a different task. Like each time you want coffee have some gum or clean something, it's all up to you.

    addiction just takes determination and a reason. One reason would be so it doesn't stain your teeth any more then it already has.

  5. One cup at a time.  Seriously, try to cut out one cup a day over a week.  Then the next week reduce it by another cup.  Start drinking Tea instead, then reduce the number of teas you have.  In a couple of weeks you will have withdrawn.

    DO NOT substitute with Coke or Energy drinks, drink water instead, as this will help flush your system.

    Good luck, life is better without Coffee.  Remember anything worthwhile takes time, no need to rush

  6. Like others have said, cold turkey is HARD.  For a few days you feel really lethargic and may have pounding headaches.  But that doesn't mean it's impossible - I've quite caffeine that way.  

    It really depends on the sort of person you are.

    If you're the sort of structured, patient person who can cut down gradually, that's probably the better option.

    If you're an impatient sort of person who just wants to get things over and done with and will lose interest over time, cold turkey is an option.

    A warning though: if you go cold turkey, make sure you don't have any commitments over the next few days (such as going to work).  You may not be in real good shape to meet them.

    P.S.  Even I thumbs-upped the other guy. :)  But I thought this warranted mentioning for completeness.

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