
How can I get over my fear of bees?

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How can I get over my fear of bees?




  1. I agree with everything Deneith said. The more you know about something, the less scared you'll be.

    Bees just want to get their work done and live happily. They won't sting you unless you severely tick them off by destroying their hive or attack them with a stick, poison, or something.

    They're soooo cute, too! You can see how furry and adorable they are if you look closely. They are very very hard workers. I respect them for that.

    Think of them in a bright sunny field full of flowers. Then picture one landing on a huge yellow sunflower. They're so carefree and peaceful, how could you be afraid of them?

  2. There are 2 types of bee's

    1 with stripes yellow black yeollow black, they sting.

    2 with no stripes just yellow and the rest is black Non stingers.

    Try holding the non stingers or wear gloves when pickig a stinging one up.

  3. Eat lots of honey. Nah, the best way is to read and study all information about them. The more you know, the less apprehension there will be. They are actually very smart and the hardest workers ever. You might actually grow to respect them.

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