
How can I get over my fear of death?

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I am fifteen and I have had the fear of death or the end of the world for five years now. The thought of it scares me and I have been getting panic attacks for quite some time now. I would really like to get over my fear and therapy didn't help my case. Any tips or quotes or anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.




  1. Ok I'm 16 and i used to also get this fear but when i was much younger. Truly all i had to do is think about death to overcome it and now i am actually curious about it as weird as it may seem (i don't wanna die lol). But think of it this way; you are you, you have to go somewhere after you die because of the fact that your consciousness cannot disappear, some may argue this but even when you are unconscious you are dreaming or whatnot. Lol I'm sure that alone wont help but just don't think about it put your mind on other things and when you learn to get out there and have fun regardless of death you will overcome the fear because anything in the world at any time could kill you. Live life to its fullest their will be plenty of time to be dead! And when you are dead do you want to know that you lived life and accomplished what you wanted or do you want to ask yourself why throughout your whole life you where afraid of death itself? I'm not a religious person but this helped me allot and now i just think to myself hey if I'm gonna walk into the street and get hit by a bus, i will just be somewhere else, maybe better or maybe worse but still somewhere else and we all die eventually, it just all depends on how you want to leave this world; old and afraid in your sleep one day, out on a battle field, sky diving? It's your choice and if you constantly worry your fear will rule you and you will regret it once it conquers you in death.

    Hope i helped :D

  2. Convert to Christianity.

  3. go to a group session for susicidal people

    you would be amazed

  4. i was the same way for years! but then i started listening to My Chemcial Romance and something about them and there music made death to me not that big of a deal anymore.There one song in particular called Famous Last Words...its great...but there first cd i belive had more to do with death then the others. Its caled I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love  

  5. Start thinking about living and not dying..take care..

  6. The reason people are afraid of death because you "love yourself".  Let's admit to it...there is nothing more important in the world than self.  

    Everyone is nothing more than a make-up from nature.  You don't own a thing in yourself.  Every single cell in your body comes from food that you ate.  You borrowed this body from nature which one day will be returned back to the real owner.  

    Let go from holding on things that you call "self" "me", because it doesn't really exist.   And you will be able to deal with death.  

  7. Have you been to a psychiatrist? You sound like a great candidate for Xanax.

    Everyone is going to die. There is no getting around it.

    There is a short story by Peter Straub that might help you. It's entitled "Vanni Fucci is Alive and Well and Living in h**l".

    It might help you out!

  8. As depressing as it is, death comes to us all at any given moment, so really..take care as you can and live life, don't worry but don't be stupid either ;) how would you like to have a flashback of your whole life as worrying about the day you die :/ it would be sad and in as nice a way as possible, a bit of a waste..

  9. Fear of death stems from the basic instinct of fear of the unknown. The same instinct that makes us afraid of the dark, it is what could happen, or what could not happen. I too have a fear of death, or more exact a fear of total nothingness, at the end of life. So basically, you are not alone, and in my opinion all religion is simply a way to make man less afraid of death. It is a complicated issue I lose much sleep over... in the end I usually decided to just do as much as I can while I have the chance... Sorry I couldn't help more.... but just remember there is nothing to be gained from fear.

  10. Don't worry about death, God wants all of us to live forever, I use to worry about death all the time when I was 15 , I could not sleep and developed insomnia because i was scared I would die in my sleep , The Bible says unforeseen occurrences befall us all in Ecclesiastes. Their will be an end to worlds problems  (Revelations 21:3,4) and  Psalms 37:11 ,   you don't worry, God is there for you, your life is meant to live in beautiful  living      conditions Adam Eve had! Just because they sinned doesn't mean we will not have a chance to live forever we will! That was God's intention in the garden of eden ,  to live in a beautiful paradise of peace, problem free and no death. God's name means comes to be, what ever he says will happen!!! We suffer now because of the devil, not God! Read the account of Job in your Bible, and see what happened to him because of the devil ,and how God blessed him for being faithful! The devil wants to bring down everyone. Through Christ Jesus, we can survive, if we refuse to allow the devil to control our lives and read our Bible and get the facts and not listen to what people say, and observe for ourselves' you will be ok.........................  

  11. If you had a problem with your heart and the doctor did not help you I'm sure you would look for another. Meaning you would not give up.

    Tips or quotes won't change your brain.

    When you go shoe shopping you rarely try on just one pair of shoes.

    The same is true with therapy, you need a therapist that fits. Look again, you can find help.

  12. Well there's really no reason to be afraid of death.  Either you'll go to heaven, be re-incarnated, or you'll cease to exist (in which case you'll no longer have anything to worry about).  I know the thought of death can freak you out, but it can actually motivate you to live life to it's fullest, rather than living in constant fear.

  13. Dear Olivija,

    To get rid of fear of death no one but you yourself can help.  First of all I would like to say that all the predictions that this world is going to be end or there will be gloom day after five years is all rubbish.  Believe in God.  He has made this world and it is He who will decide about the fate of this world and nobody else.  And you know this earth and the life on this earth is going on like a flow of the river undauntedly since the time immemorial.  Dont worry ! nothing is going to happen to this world.  Pray to God again and again.  You will be relieved.

    Now comes your fear of death.  Tell me where is death?  This word "death" has wrongfully given to the process of change of matters or merging of five elements back to their original place.  Look very carefully that from the very first day you gained your consciousness till the date "'You' are there", only your body (which belongs to this nature only) has changed.  You are same, nothing has changed in yourself.  As a matter of fact You (the real self) are absolutely imperishable.  Nothing can harm you.  There is no death or change in Your real self (that is part of almighty God) but this body is totally perishable as it belongs to nature and all the changes take place in nature only.  To sum-up, there are two things, one is your self and other is nature.  You have no relation with nature so absolutely imperishable.  There is no death in your real self.  Only nature renews itself.  So there is no death, no fear at all..  Do meditation on yourself, pray to God to help you, keep yourself busy in good things and above all read Shri madbhagvat Geeta (translated and interpreted by Swami Ram Sukhdas, published by Gita press Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India)in which God himself has unveiled the ultimate truth of life and his relationship with us.  He has taught the beautiful way to live this life fearlessly.  I pray to God to help you. Still troubled, feel free to contact me on Try the website: for reading of Geeta online.

    May God bless you.

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