
How can I get over my fear of rollercoasters?

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My 8th grade class end of the year field trip, is going to Six FlaGs nEw England! [not over seas, here in the us]

-Im sooo terrified of them, but i really want to have a fun time!

what is it like to go on the upside down ones?

i dont wanna look like a r****d not going on any rides, cause i really dont like hights...





  1. First, you should start out small. Try something small, like something that doesn't go upside down or isn't too intense, and work your way up on the rides. Rollercoasters aren't as scary as they look, they are just all fun. Who knows, you might like it.

    Every upside down ride or rollercoaster is different, but going upside down is generally the same on most. You don't feel it or notice it at all. Once you notice that there's a loop or an inversion in the track, you already went through it! The loops go by way to fast for you to even notice it, it isn't that bad at all. It's never to late to get over your fear, and what better time to do it when you're with your friends having fun? It's all worth a try, life's too short to not try new things.

    And by the way, I know this is going to at least cross your mind once, so I might as well tell you. Coasters are VERY safe. Statistically, driving in a car to the theme park is 10 times more dangerous than getting hurt on a coaster. Think about it, and try some coasters. You'll have a blast.

  2. just close your eyes and dont think about it.

  3. The best way to get over your fear is to force yourself onto riding it. for your first time you may want to go on with a friend have them MAKE YOU STAY ON NO MATTER WHAT. when i started riding when i was younger is i would wait till they locked the straps and stuff and tell my self that there's no turning back now. Before you go on try telling your self that its "now or never", or mabey "I gotta do this eventually" or mabey "Someday i'm going to have to try it, why not now". Its all about facing your fears, you can't be afraid for ever

    I hope you have fun on you field trip!

  4. the frist thing you have to get over the loud clanking noise when your going up the first hill... its a little freaky. just get someone to make you go on one. thats what i did...

  5. than just go on small rides first to get the feel of them and then if you still cant do it...than just don't if you dont want to

  6. Well first off,  you need to know that only one person a year dies in a amusement park a year and they usually arent even on the rides.. lol.... and they arent even scary after you are done, like there is this ride in my town where it goes Straight up and than like twists around like 4x in a row, and than goes upside down, and it is crazy! and I was scared to go on it than when I was done, I was like Lets go again!!

    So yeah just think that nothing bad is gonna happen to you and just have fun and dont worry about anything...



  7. Go with your trusted friends thats what I did to get rid of my fear....

  8. First Experience in Six Flags Today:;...

    Please read.

  9. You could first ttry out the small coasters first. Then try the larger ones. Make sure you yell

  10. You know what?  Roller Coasters arnt that bad.  Just convince yourself that you will love it over and over again before you get on and while your on the ride untill you really are enjoying it!  Going upside down is the coolest!    Oh and dont worry, if you have glass they dont fall off and you wont fall out.  Its cool.  And looking down does help, it gives you thrill.  But try looking strate ahead

  11. Well, i was really scared of roller coasters too. The only way i got over it was to just get on one, even thought i was petrified! face your fear, and who knows you might like it :D

    P.S dont look down

  12. Howdy Santa

    Try going over to youtube and watch the on-ride videos of the roller coaster you are wanting to ride..... watch it over and over and over again then ride it. Now that you know what to expect from the ride you know what will happen next... it will take out some of the anxiety that you have. Stop thinking negative and think about how much fun it is and scream at the top of your lungs. Your young enjoy RC while you can

  13. you can close your eyes and think of something else or you ca conquer your fears and ride it with a friend. i was like that too. these ideas helped me.

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