
How can I get over my fear of seeing old friends???????????????

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i am 16. i moved from my town and school and lost touch with all my good friends when i was 13. i hate seeing my old friends even though i love them so much and grew up with just scared how weird it will be and what they will think of me..if they will think i have changed alot or if they will have outgrown me and find me boring or weird. i have no problem hanging out with people i see at school everyday but when it comes to old friends i freak. i only see my best friend who i love so much once a year. BUT...i used to play on this basketball team from the age of 7-13. and now i am of the moms on the team wants me to play in a tournament with them in a month. i dont want to but my dad wants me to so i have to. i already committed. how can i stop freaking out and stop being nervous and just relax and how can i make it so i like seeing my old friends and people i used to know????




  1. You are dealing with "fear"....





    You have the idea that your old friends will find you weird and worry about what they think of you.  FORGET THIS.

    The more you focus on your fear, the bigger it gets.

    I suggest you look back on the "good times" and talk about them with your old friends.  It is totally OK to talk about what is happening in your life now, too.  You have a gift to give the old friends....your experiences in a new place.  

    Just remember that at your ages, EVERYONE has these worries, including your old friends.  You have probably changed a great deal between 13 and 16...this is NORMAL.

    You will always have the shared memories of the past.

    Have fun playing baseball.

  2. don't be so much concerned about what people

    might think about you or wether they think negative about you--you are not in their head. be polite, be friendly. im sure

    many of them will be happy to see you again after such a long

    time and are very curious how you are. just have heart and self-esteem. keep in mind they aren't better then you as persons. I lost a close friend along time ago and havent seen

    her soo long, but then i met her again in the mall. it was wid, but we both grew up to be friendly and respectful to eachother. now you are 16 and be happy to handle that situation now. tell them about your experience, bring up some

    funny stories, be sweet. ask them what they are doing in their life...just dont be awkwardly silent. be yourself. share memories you guys can laught at. And if some turn away from you- not all will be. just stand over that. keep in mind, you deserve good friends and whoever is bad to you, isnt worth the heart ache, isnt't that right?

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