
How can I get over running in public?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not overweight, but I want to start running this summer just to loose like 10ish pounds, the problem is that I have a fear of running in public. I'm afarid someone I know will see me...weird, right? I don't




  1. If possible find an indoor track or school that will allow you to use their facilities.  I am partial to indoors because you are never subject to the weather changes.  What I like about your summer fitness plan you are running solo.  This means that there is no "meeting time" issue.  Good luck.  And hope you carry forward with your routine after school resumes.

  2. I felt a little wierd at first too. After awhile that all disapears. You should have seen me when i first started running 2 years ago. All I had were a pair of bike shorts with the padded butt, sock pulled up to my knees like bleeker and a beer gut. After awhile the same people see you every day and its just that guy out for a run.  Like the Nike ad says: Just do it!

  3. try running with a mp3 w/ headphones (and your favorite music)

    focus on the music when ure running

    it makes time go faster and eliminate distractions

    i never run without it

  4. The first time is worst but be brave and stick at it and you'll soon get used to it. Once you start to see the results it won't bother you anymore :)

  5. Well at least you're doing something to get yourself in shape unlike those lazy drivers.

    just remember that.

    If you're still a little shy, you might want to look for a forest trail so you don't have to run directly on the street. A biking or hiking trail would be good too. If you run in trails rather than the streets only fellow athletes will see you. Even though you only go by each other for a few seconds most of them are friendly. I always smile at the people I go by when i run.

    Remember that you're an athlete now. That's something to be proud of.

    Happy running!

  6. dont run, walk,( for weightloss) and do it at 6am before you go to work/school

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