
How can I get over something so dumb to dwell on?

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Many months ago, I remember sitting at a table, and then something was thrown at my head. I thought the people did it on purpose, so I looked up gave like a mean, evil look in the direction that it was coming from, and then someone that knew me said, "Sorry, [My name here]." I bet I looked like a creepy man with that face because my eyebrows must've looked low. Ugh, I'm so embarrassed.




  1. hmm, talk to the person when you see him and have a casual conversation with him/her. I guess you have no major problems in your life if you are worried or dwelling over something as dumb as this.  

  2. just nest time youy see them give thenm a compliment to do maybe with there eyes and if it gets on the subject about her eyebrows just say no u dont look like a man,someone through something at me at the table...........simple.....goodluck :]

  3. I know how you feel, I often dwell on things that happened months and months ago, and I know that in reality nobody else will even remember it! But even though I know it's stupid, I can't get it out of my head.

    Just think that the other person apologised, and probaby felt bad about it too. But I expect that they didn't think about it again past that evening. Don't be embarrassed, you didn't make a scene, you didn't say anything embarrassing - you just gave a look which was perfectly acceptable.

    Just try not to think about it (difficult, I know) and in time the memory will fade.  

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