So, this week, I've had 4 people call me ugly already, which sucks because I think I can see why they call me that. I mean, I think I got a big nose, bad skin and just a weird shaped face. I don't wanna prove them right, but I mean, people say to look at the positives of yourself, but I see nothing positive in my appearance. Plus I've always been single. All my friends are female, yet I remain single, just a shoulder to cry on. I always get superficial responses on why I'm not "datable", not to my face, which makes it worse. I hate the feeling of ugly, and the fact that I'm still single, have no close friends, and that i don't like my appearance. Am I as ugly as I seem? How can I get over this feeling? I hate this feeling and I've felt it for a long time? Is it normal to feel this way? How can I get out of this slump? Is there a way I can improve my appearance???
P.S. Due to reporters and dumb Yahoo staff, this is in no way chatting or violating any rules and is a perfectly valid question that serves a purpose/ importance...