
How can I get over this anxiety I have about attending a wedding?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to a wedding tomorrow, my fiance is in the wedding. These people are just really pretentious and over the top and that's just not me. Most of the guests are the same way... I'm nervous about it.




  1. You are there to have fun and share in the happiness that is all around.  Put on a smile.  It's just for a few hours.  It's not a life sentence.  You don't need to pretend to be as good as the rest of them.  You are.

  2. If they are pretentious, then you are safe.

    You see, rich people are already rich, they have nothing to pretend.

    Pretentious people have nothing and wish they had some.

    Ignore them.

    just go with your fiance and dance and be happy

  3. Just imagine everyone in their underwear, or naked even.

  4. mucho alcohol

  5. What for? You go there to celebrate the wedding of two people.. you dont have to celebrate with the attendees.. you just celebrate with the bride and the groom or celebrate FOR the bride and the groom. Dont worry about it.

  6. You could have fun with it. Pretentious people are all about themselves. Play a game where you ask them a lot of questions about themselves and see if they ever ask you anything about yourself. That takes the focus off of you and you won't be nervous.

    If all else fails, get drunk.

  7. Since humans are primates, when you get there, picture them as monkeys in suits. In your mind, laugh at how seriously they're all taking this procession (and themselves) when the reality it that we're all bags of chemicals. Each of us is going to disassemble and return to the earth in less than 100 years and taking things too seriously isn't going to do a d**n thing about it. Just have fun watching them; it's entertaining.

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