
How can I get over this nervous-ness?

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Hey there, so I have my riding lesson Saturday, I have not managed to find another barn, so I'm stuck with what I'm at, but anyways, My cousin is coming to watch me, you guys have heard how I'mc ompared to her, ect. But the last time she came to watch me, I was so nervous, I felt like I was performing. D: My stomach was in knots, I believe I was shaking, I couldn't concentrate on the horse, how do I over come this? Any tips? Our ride really suffered because of it.




  1. well if you really like riding horses then you would just be able to concentrate on just riding...

  2. Ha! I know a bit about being nervous. Being a former roughstock rider, I'm used to it. It is good to be nervous, just use it. Thats the best idea. The best way to prepair yourself for it, is to visualize your performance over and over and over.

    An hour before you get on your horse, sit down in a nice place where you wont be bothered. Then close your eyes and go through your routine. Imagine your routine, and imagine every aspect of it. Also run through your mind anything that can go wrong and how to handle it. Do this over and over and over until you have run everything possible through your mind.

    Imagine locking into your routine with no distractions.

    If you do this properly when you get on your horse, your mind will lock into your routine.

    Use the nervouseness thats the best way. Luck

  3. Just pretend that she isn't even there or that she is and she is in her underpants. Ride just like you normally do, if you get nervous the horse will sense it and your whole ride will be wasted. Own the arena, show confidence when you ride.  Your trainer is who you listen to and you don't owe anything to your cousin. Besides no one is perfect and everyone needs to improve on something, even professional horseback riders. Don't be nervous, relax, and enjoy the ride. Don't expect to get everything right away it takes time to get really good at anything. Good luck, and I hope I helped in some way.

  4. just relax. i tensed up at my first show and it resulted to me being thrown off as the horse definatly picked up on this. asn she slowed right down over fences. u should be proud :) just relax and act like no ones there. ur cousin shouldnt judge you. and if u get nervous i always whistle. this sounds stupid, but it really helps... like just before a fence or w/e but yea jsut chill :)

  5. I am sorry you didn't find another barn. I remember your story.

    Just don't think about your cousin being there. Think about having a fun ride with your horse. I have a lesson tonight, and my dad is coming to watch me. He hasn'tever seen me ride before. I am just going to pretend he isn't there and just focus on riding :) Hope I helped

  6. Just Pretend She's Not Even There,, Pretend She's Your Trainer Watching You After You Lesson,, Just Look At The Horse And Watch What You Doing,,

  7. Picture yourself in your mind, going through every move perfectly.  This helps to mentally prepare your physical body to perform better...use as much focus as you can muster to practice this over and over in your head.

    Anytime your cousin's image comes to mind, picture her in a vulnerable seated on the toilet...which helps to put things in perspective.  Good can do this.

  8. ugh this is why i dont show, i get nervous and i just dont enjoy my ride at all. It really sux that you are compared to your cousin and that makes you nervous. Riding should be fun and stress releiveing.This really freaked me out when i read this because my family is the same way. I dont speak to them anymore, so things are awkward but i dont have to deal with it anymore and i can enjoy myself. But i'm not saying stop speaking to them lol, thats just what i did. Is there anyway you can reschedule your lesson so she wont be there? Like, just change the time or day. Maybe just try to calm down and tell yourself that its not a competition, your there to learn and have fun. When i'm nervous, I always put lavendar oil on my pulse points (wrist, neck) it's an herb that helps relax.

    So i hope everything goes ok!

  9. When she is there don't think about her. Think of it this way. It's just a normal day. It doesn't matter how good you do it's just if you have fun. that's what truely matters.

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