
How can I get people to start taking me seriously?

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Over the past few years, I've discovered that if I act funny, people like you more, and of course I'm happy with my growing popularity (ha) and I can feel that I have people who like me. But more than half of them don't know me. I'm too busy acting like a goofball to get recognized for my other qualities...I know that when I am being serious, everyone thinks I'm not. Is it my tone of voice or something? Maybe i just sound funny....




  1. First you have to respect your self and start taking your self more serious, I'm not sure about your age or anything but sometimes you could be funny and play-full with people without looking or acting like a goofball, i think the more serious you act in front of people the more they gonna think that's the way you are and pretty soon they'll treat you with more respect...

  2. Take yourself serious first.

  3. When you act like a goofball all the time, of course noone wll ever take you seriously.  You don't have to act like a goofball to be popular.  Actually, goofballs may be fun to listen to, but they are not really taken seriously.  It doesn't make people like you more.  Your popularity may be vapor ware.  

    If you want to be popular and taken seriously, be a friend.  Don't make fun of people.  Treat people you want as friends well.  Tell them what they do that makes your friendship with them special to you.  If they need help, give them help (but don't loan money to them).


  4. I'm a goof ball myself. My tone of voice changes when I'm serious. Everyone is different. You'll figure it out.

  5. You need to chose when to act funny more judisciously.

    When you do it inappropriately, then that's what leads people to see you SOLELY that way.

    That is, until people see your serious side. With people who grasp the fullness of you (as it were), you can do more what you want when you want.

    But acting funny specifically to get people to like you is also part of the problem. It sort of says "Love me! I'm pathetic!"

    Humor is good; we all like to laugh and make others laugh.

    But there are times it's unwise, inappropriate, or gives a bad impression.

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