
How can I get politicians, advisors and experts to listen to me and work with me?

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I believe that I could advise national leaders and politicians on the subject of how to make better quality decisions and how to stay in office by meeting the needs of the people. But I can't get anyone to listen to me. I write many letters to the UK Prime Minister but I rarely get a satisfactory reply. Can you give me some advice please?




  1. The day they take advice from someone as in-articulated as your fine self, I'll but a green shirt and become a partisan.

    But because I'm kind, you should be sending your writing to The British Journal of Politics.

    If you know how to 'make better quality decisions and how to stay in office by meeting the needs of the people' I'd make sure you hire someone with a little more charisma than you.

  2. LMAO--

    I'm sure they get all your letters-

    perhaps you should start showing up at rally's with booze, half naked people and free food...

  3. I wish I knew - but it's a relief to discover that I'm not the only person considered to know nothing (including my own name, it seems!).

  4. You can write letters to the Editors of the Major Newspapers. If they find merit in your content, they will publish. The letters in newspapers will be read by the Secretaries.  If they notice a worthy content, they will bring it to the notice of their superiors.Try!

  5. I would guess you ought to change what you view as a satisfactory reply.  That way you can be satisfied.

    The fact that you get any reply, indicates that you have been heard.  However, you may not equate that as a satisfactory reply.

    Try changing you tact, so that you write to them requesting or advising what they have already done and backdate the letter.  This way whether they reply or not, you will be satisfied as they will have done what you have asked.

    Another way, might be to request they do something really stupid and things that you really do not want them to do.  When they ignore you, and dismiss your advise you will be satisfied as you did not want them to do it anyway.

    It is all about anticipation of the response you will get.  If you anticipate correctly the response you get, you are usually satisfied.  If you get an unexpected reponse, you might have your expectation exceeded or you might be dissapointed.

    Clearly, if you are not satisfied you are anticipating the wrong response.  You are setting expectations which are too high.  Lower you expectations, and you will be satisfied more often.

    You can change the way you view the world, you cannot change how the world is.

  6. Got any knee pads?

  7. you write letters to Gordon? well you may get a phone call. Maybe talk to your MP, helps if your a specialist in a field, such as a Pen expert. XD. This means your more eligable to become a civil servant, who can advise the PM and ministers.

  8. Put yourself in the position of the people you want to address. Why should anyone listen to you? Thousands feel they would like a voice. Why choose one voice over the other?

    Moreover, it is not as though people in positions of power have not thought of the implications of their actions and do not know the arguments on the other side. Their consultants counsel them on such ramifications. What seems evidently the right course of action to you compromises something or someone else.

    The only way to be listened to is the be a person of power yourself. You can't speak from a position of obscurity. You gain influence by having a lot of money, having a number of followers, being a recognized expert, or occupying a public platform that cannot be denied. Even then, what you think may not sway. No one is given a significant voice simply because he or she wants one. It has to be earned by accomplishment.

    That's not cynical realpolitik; it's the sensible way the world works. Would you buy a book on a topic by an average person? No--you ask for expertise for your money. So do people whose decisions matter.

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