
How can I get published?

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I'm 14 years old and I know I may not get anything published anytime soon. But I think I might have some potential in being a poet. I've asked around on Y!A and I've asked my friends and they really liked everything I showed them. I want to know how to get published if i ever decide to try in the future. Here's a poem I wrote, to kind of show you what I have:


screaming into deaf ears

words bounce off a steel heart

begging on my knees

pleading to be heard

darkness consumes the light

stumbling around blind

hopeless, fearful, alone

tears streaming from empty eyes

searching for something already gone

yearning for warmth

to once again feel that soft caress

but the tender hands

are now sandpaper

must escape this black abyss

but something's dragging me back

our hearts are magnetized

i unwillingly re-enter

the darkest pit of h**l

running back

into the arms of sandpaper




  1. This is pretty decent for a 14 yr old.

    You do a good job of personifying emotions and feelings, which is the mark of a good writer.

    You should check out

    You can submit your own poems and they publish an actual hard-cover book that yours can be in.  So technically, its an easy way to get truly published.

    A few of my own poems are up there also and have been published, and its a good way to check out other people's work to give you inspiration or examples of other styles.

  2. In the beginning of this poem you are unheard, unwanted, in the end you are running back to arms that want you (on some level).  The beginning of the poem feels like perhaps a teenager not being heard by her parents, (not bad at all). The end seems like love gone bad.  

    I guess what I am saying is I really don't get a theme, a continuity.  

    I like the style and wording, it feels original, I don't get the feeling like you settled anywhere in this poem.  

    Maybe try to get some additional continuity.  

    I am sure someone else will say it is perfect.  And it may be for them, just not for me.

    Getting published is not hard, you could do it yourself basically.  There are a lot of scams out there so be careful.

  3. Unfortunately, there is not a big market for poetry today.

    The best way to become a writer, is to write. Like any other skill, the more time you invest in your writing, the better it will be. Pianists practice daily, athletes workout daily, and writers must write everyday to strengthen the writing "muscle."

    Be careful of online sites that allow you to post your poems. They will notify you in a few days and tell you that you have "won!" their poetry contest and that you will be published in a book! The "book" is c**p; nothing more than a collection of the really bad poetry of others who posted at the site. The site then offers to sell you the book for $50 to $100 so that you can show it around and say that you are "published." It's a scam and ultimately an embarrassment to anyone who tries to boast about it in writing circles.

    Never pay to be in a poetry contest. Never pay to have someone read your poems and evaluate them. Enter contests that are judged by established, noted poets. You can find a list of reputable contests in "Poets and Writers" magazine, which is available at most larger book stores.

    In the meantime, study poetry. Learn the different forms and styles. Study the great poets. Read. And then read more.

    Pursue creative writing in school. There are a lot of great programs all over the country; those two are listed in "Poets and Writers."

    Next time you go to the bookstore or the library (reference section), see if they have a copy of Poet's Market 2008. It lists the various markets for poetry, submission guidelines, audience, rates, etc.

    Keep writing. Be careful to whom you go for input and opinion. Remember that most of your friends will either love what you write or hate it. Your mom will love it. That's all well and good but your writing won't grow. Find knowledgeable people who can give you objective, constructive advice about your work. And even then, be careful.

    Publishing is always the goal of a writer. But publishing can't be the reason you write. You have to write for you.

    Good luck to you. Email if you have questions.

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