
How can I get ready for A-levels? I want to be fully energised and motivated!? ?

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I'm starting A-levels soon and I want to go back motivated and ready to work! I've been sleeping late for the past month or so, how do I get back into a good routine? I haven't done much exercise either or have been eating well as I should be.... I'm just been worrying about it and haven't prepared myself. I'm taking very vigorous subjects so I need to be fully on the ball, because I won't be wasting time - i'll be doing as much work as I can and I want to be ready for this.

What can I do to get back into the routine?




  1. It sounds like you have enjoyed your break, I have been doing a similar thing whilst on my break from uni, although I also work all yr round and have a family to boot.

    I think it would be more sensible to re introduce yourself slowly i.e. go to bed half an hour earlier, try to be active and exercise for 10 Min's each day, start eating at least 1 healthy meal a day. Gradually build this up over the next few weeks.

    I always have a can of red bull when I am at uni, as it boosts me for a 2 hour lecture if I have failed to keep up with a healthy lifestyle, but I wouldn't recommend this often, just as a one off.

  2. Get yourself back into a good routine of 8/9 hrs night sleep, maybe a run or some other form of exercise in the morning, eating a balanced diet, and keeping your mood on a level keel.

    You sound as if you are going to do great, as you are obviously keen to get going and want to do your level best.

    Make sure that you also have time for yourself, 'me time' so that you can balance out your study time with some rec time.

    All the best.


  3. Hi! Good question!

    I found, setting my alarm for an early time, and not snoozing it is the first thing you need to learn to do.. i assure you the alarm tone will haunt you for the next 2 years but it's worth it!

    Eat a good breakfast... cereal or porridge for good energy.. you may find after the first few days of college/6th form you start to feel tired about 8pm, and it's good to get an early night if you can, and avoid going on the internet til late, or snacking. All these things help.

    The thing i found the most useful was to get ahead of myself from the start... read up about what i was going to do the in the next lesson before i got there. I found i then knew what i was doing before the teacher told it, and if i had any problems i would be able to ask with some idea of what i was doing than get lost and pushed behind.. once you get in that cycle it's a spiralling pit of doom, and you end up cram revising for jan modules! Don't go over the top, and enjoy yourself! College was one of the best times of my life!

    Good luck with your studies!

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