
How can I get recognized for the olympics in gymnastics?

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I am only 12 years old and I don't necessarily think that I can actually make it, but I searched this question and no answers came up. How, if I wanted to, could I get recognized to make it into the series of meets leading up to the 2012 Olympic Gymnastics and the Olympic trials? Thanks for answering!




  1. You need to compete.

    I assume that you are currently in training.  You should speak to your coach about your abilities and about upcoming meets to determine which meets would best for you to work towards competing at a national level.  

    You are also going to need to include your parents in this discussion - coaching gets very expensive when you get to the more advanced levels of competition.  Unless you are currently working with a coach who has extensive experience with high levels of competition, you may eventually want to change coaches to someone who would be able to work with you on routines and choreography at such a level.  The coach at the local gymnastics club is probably not going to be a good choice for this.  

    Advanced coaching may mean that you will have to board at a gymnstics facility no where near where you live.  Your training schedule at advanced levels will also mean that you would have to make other arrangements for schooling, such as private tutoring.  All this will add up to big costs.  

    I'm not saying don't follow your dreams.  I'm just saying that you need to take everything into consideration.  It's not just about being seen, but taking the steps up to competing at a level where you will be a contender for an Olympic team, since this means competing at the national and international levels.

    Your very first step is to speak to your current coach about getting into some competitions.  If you cannot win at a local or regional level, you will not be able to compete at the national level.  You cannot simply walk into the advanced competitions without qualifying for your spot, and that's where you need to be to be seen as a national contender.  

    Good luck!

  2. You need to start competing on a national level and eventually the international level. Nastia and Shaun both competed in worlds this past year before the Olympics. So you need to tell your coach you want to go to the Olympics in 2012 and they will figure out how to get you there. What meets you need to go to, what leagues you need to be registered in, etc etc.  

  3. you have to compete in a series of events and a whole lot of stuff...but basically winning tournaments and stuff

  4. The first person who would need to recognize that you have talent is your current gymnastics coach. She would lead you in the direction you need to go from there. Gymnastic meets, competitions, advanced coaching, etc.  

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