
How can I get rich of off the global warming scam, too?

by Guest58758  |  earlier

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How can I get rich of off the global warming scam, too?




  1. If everyone changed their incandescent light bulbs to CFL(compact fluorescent lights) bulbs we would reduce our electricity usage enough to close quite a few coal burning generator stations. If everyone was to plant a tree, just how clean would the air start becoming. Compost food stuffs to help you lawn and garden grow better(No Chemicals). Recycle Glass, Plastic, Metal and Paper products. Teach the young not to litter and those that litter should have to pay hefty fines.

  2. Do what Al Gore did, open a company that supposedly reduces C02 emissions and sell stakes for millions of dollars

    (Carbon Offsets) then as Al Gore did, scaremonger everybody into believing you that Global Warming is indeed true and must be stopped. You should be rich in no time. Good Luck.

    P.S. you have free advertisement from the media.

  3. Become a paid industry shill who denies global warming is a problem. Plenty of right-wing institutes will snatch you up greedily, like the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and pay you six-figure salaries to write know-nothing pieces about science you haven't bothered to understand. Sounds like it would be right up your alley.

  4. Just sell some consumer product that says on the label its "made from renewable resources using sustainable power".  You could literally sell fresh cow manure that way, people will buy it right up.

  5. Make a movie like Al Gore. Or sell some miraculous item to people who don't know any better.  

    Better yet, outlaw the most harmful greenhouse gas, dihydrogen oxide.

  6. You can't, because there isn't any scam. Global warming is a scientific theory, just like any other scientific theory. If you wish to claim otherwise I simply demand that you present your evidence supporting this claim.

    Not that it matters any way. The select few people who might profit from GW theory have absolutely nothing to do with formulating it whatsoever, as research scientists (the only people whose opinions matter on this subject) do not get salaried from grant money.

  7. Sell stock short.  When the economy crashes due to the need to deal with coastal flooding, drought, and other damage to agriculture, you'll make a bundle.

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