
How can I get rid of, or relocate, honey bees that have found their way inside the walls of my house?

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There are no professional Beekeepers in my area, and the ones that can come are too expensive and too far away. Exterminators won't come because the hive is between the first and second story roof/floor boards. They keep eating their way into the house even though we have blocked up every hole they make (our house has wood siding). My husband has now resorted to spraying them outside with Seven dust, hoping they'll take the hint and leave long enough for him to cover the hole. Is there a way we can remove them our self so they won't keep returning to the hive? I had a guy tell me they are definitely honey bees. This is probably a stupid question, but do they leave for the winter or migrate south or something? I just don't want my 2 yr old to get stung again. Thanks!




  1. I don't think they can be honey bees because they need to go back to the hive every day. I did have a nest in my garage some years ago and in desperation on a cold day (they get sleepy in the cold) I got a big binliner wraped it around the nest and took it to the woods. Not really to be recommended. You could try Rentokill, number in yellow pages under pests or something.

  2. This sounds desparate ! At this point it sounds like all practical ways are no good. lf it was left up to me, this is what l would consiter trying. Get a drill and hole saw 2 1/4''. a peice of wood 6 X 6  by 1/2 or 3/4''with pilot holes in opposite corners (for screws) and Hot Shot bug bombs, ( they are 2'' in diameter), rent a bee suit. ( Yea, l know this sounds crazy,), lm reading to too,lol. Glue the bugbomb to the center of the 6 X 6. With the beesuit on ( tape the openings on the suit so none can get in), drill a 2 1/4'' hole, set the bomb off , push the bugbomb through the hole and s***w the wood to the ceiling. The holes won't matter, Sounds like you will have to get the hive out anyway. In time , the hive is going to break down anyway,When the queen dies , l think they are finishes. Check with others on removal of the hive. Yep, Reading this back, it sounds mad,lol. Good Luck

  3. Hi, my name is Justin Bridges, I have studied to be a science teacher and know a bit about bugs. My grate grandpa was a beekeeper, and sometimes beekeepers need to remove other types of bees from the area. When they do this they use smoke. You would need to start a small fire !!! away from your house !!! a little ways and funnel the smoke in the wall the bees are in. a hand held baffle can also be used to catch smoke but are somewhat difficult to find. Once the bees are gone it is a matter of sealing all openings for them to get in.

    P.S. For lots of smoke, start a fire that will stay lit and then put green leaves and branches on it.

  4. call extrmanator

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