
How can I get rid of a Chicken hawk?

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Hi there so My mom just recently started raising Silky chicks but shes been having to chase away this Chicken hawk about every morning so I told her i'd try and find a way to get rid of him or atleast detur because the other day a little chic got out of the cage and he swooped down and grabbed him needless to say she was a bit upset.

Now we live in Southern California and I am not looking to kill the bird but I have no idea how to get him to figure out that hes not getting anything here has anyone had this problem that may be able to help?






  1. Please do not shoot this raptor.  Hawks are protected by Federal Laws.

    This is the hawk's territory.  If your mother wants to continue to keep chickens, she must make them safe from the predator.

    You might deter the hawk with a large Great Horned Owl (which will also eat the chickens.

    So she must keep the birds safe from the predator.  In time the hawk will leave if no food is available for her/him.

  2. You CANNOT kill this bird..they are protected by law. You can't even so much as harass it legally.  You are looking a big fines and jail time if you harm this bird in any way. Look up the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.  You have no right to kill native wildlife for the sake of pets that YOU failed to keep safe.  If you are going to have chickens outside..then they need to be in a wildlife proof pen.  If you are offering a free meal to wildlife..they are obviously going to take it.  These birds are very important to the ecosystem as pest control and have every right to be out in nature where they belong.  Tell your mom to keep her chickens in a proper enclosure and she should not have anymore need to kill the bird..just be responsible and you can solve this problem on your own.  I just do not understand the mentality of people like you that want to kill wildlife when you are to blame for the problem in the first place.  Why not enjoy nature and wildlife and be thankful to have such a beautiful creature in your yard.

  3. I would shoot it with a BB gun and eat it. : D

  4. leghorn.

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