
How can I get rid of a few debts?

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With the gas prices been so high, I need to do something with a few of my debts, so I can a few extra bucks to enjoy myself. Right know all my money is going straight to pay bills, and I'm left with no money. Any help appreciated!




  1. Pay off everything you can. If you miss something b/c you don't have enough money for "fun", so be it. By paying stuff off now, you can have money for fun later. It's a pain, but well worth it.

    Try cutting some corners for now. Use coupons when shopping for groceries or other things you need. Carpool, walk, take a bus or something to save on gas.

  2. Hey Rey,

    There are a few things you can do to get rout of debts.

    Get all your bills together and figure out if there is anything that you can eliminate or cut down that you do not need at the moment. For example, cable TV bill, extra minutes on your cell phone, or Internet access, Blockbuster membership etc..

    Once you have that figure out, used the money that you are saving now to pay your debts.

    You can also consolidate all you bills with a personal loan from a bank, so you can lower you interest rate and also have only on bill instead 3 or 4.

    In addition, you can consult with a debt relief company that will help point out what choices you have to get out of debt. Here is a link to a debt relief company that is giving out a free video and a free debt solution kit.

    Hope that helps a bit!

  3. <<so I can a few extra bucks to enjoy myself.>>  is very telling.  your only interest, it would appear, is spending money, with little thought about the consequences to come.

    you're in trouble.

    i'd suggest a 2nd job.

    pay off all your debts.

    get a credit card that pays you back.

    when i spend $100 i get $1 back -- $3 back on gas.

    as opposed to you who have to pay interest, and don't even get to spend the money you make.

    until you learn to live within your means, you're going to be in trouble.

    btw, the price of gas is going down at the moment.

    but it'll go up again.

    really, pay off your debts.

    what are you going to do if you lose your job?

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