
How can I get rid of a hickey?

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The hickey is on the neck, how can I get rid of it?




  1. use a cold spoon :)

  2. from what i know it goes away to see it by its self but if you don't want people to see it put make up on it.

  3. toothpaste is the best lol

    good luck  

  4. Haha I should def know the answer to this one.

    What I did, I found that you could use a double a battery, and use the flat end to rub it around the bite/hickey. Press hard enough, but dont scrape your neck off lol. This might make it a little worse before it becomes better. It just gets the blood ciculating.Give it about 5-10 mins and it'll look better.

    Then, take green makeup, such as green eyeshadow and spread it around the area. Then take foundation that matches your complexion and spread it ontop of the green makeup.

    Glad to help =]

  5. cover it up with makeup

  6. wenn u 1st get it use makeup to cover it until u get home then wet a spoon and put it in the freezer wenn datz dun get the spoon and rub it on da hickey and put a little pressure on it ...thats helpz da redness!

         good luck getting rid of ur hickey! =]

  7. the sp00n iis a g00d tiip && t00thpaste but try the penny tiip;;

    put the penny iin the freezer && rub the penny all 0ver the hiickey;; iit may hurt but iit w0rks;; put a liittle biit 0f pressure 0n iit. ii w0rks f0r me  =D

  8. use make up to cover it up or get an eraser and rubbing it on your hickey. I know you're probably like 'wth?' but it does work i've seen it work before!

  9. Put a tablespoon in the freezer for a few minutes, then rub it on your hickey in a clockwise direction:)

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