
How can I get rid of a mimosa tree for GOOD?

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They are terrible things, these trees. Yeah they look good (for a SHORT time) but they sprout up everywhere and won't die. We had one we killed by cutting the trunk, and digging around the roots and shovelling them up and burning the whole thing for is gone but that took forever and unfortunately it still left seedlings we did not catch in time. The problem we are having now, is right immediately against our home! Right behind the central heat/air unit thing and it gets water all the time. We had it covered w/ a 5 gallon black bucket and it was not getting any sun, but it still shoots out what it can. Constant cutting and pulling leaves off and stuff is getting so old! The others a bother too, but they are at the edge of our yard which becomes woods so they don't bother as much, but if they do get larger I am afraid they will.

I want to put something on it(them) that will not get into the water system or harm our pets and kids, who play in the backyard all the time, and that will kill it for good. It is not in an area where it can be dug up either(behind heat/air unit thing). I don't mind using chemicals, but how long would something last and what do we use?

HELP PLEASE SOMEONE.....I am beginning to hate mimosas!




  1. Cut the tree as low as you can to the ground.

    Then drill a hole in the heart of the stump.

    Pour morton's table salt on it.  The salt will leach through the

    tree roots and kill it.

    I did this on a maple tree that was doing the same thing.

    It never came back.

    My problem is YUCCA plants - now they are indestructable.

  2. cut the tree  and have the stump ground down

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