
How can I get rid of acne? QUICK!

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schools starts next week. i have a little bit of acne but i want it gone before school starts. what is the quickest way to get rid of it??




  1. Clearasil Ultra facewash. It will kill any zit you have. It is the shite.  

  2. Go tanning. My 8th grade year i started breaking out. And ninth grade it was still there, but not too bad. Summer time between 9 and 10th grade year, i broke out bad. Went to doctor, but nothing worked. Then i got a sunburn and they went away. So i started tanning with my girlfriend. Now, i dont tan very much and i dont have a problem. Maybe one or two, but those are easily cleared up with alieve and visine (reduces swelling and redness, even on pimples). A good trick is baking soda. make it into a paste and rub it on your skin. Leave it on for a few and then take it off. Also, tea tree oil helps a lot. But tanning works the best. Just get a little red and they will all go away. You will see results within the next day or the day after.

  3. drink alot of water and try not to use any pore clogging make-up untill school also i suggest neatragina wash wash or clearisl  

  4. proactiv maybe?

  5. Scrub it and cleanse everyday. Put acne cream on everyday. Tie up your hair if you have long hair. And try to do things that don't require you to sweat. And if you must sweat, don't wait long until you take a shower or wash your face. I heard lemon juice works!

  6. Toothpaste (the non gel, regular kind).

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