
How can I get rid of acne in 3 days?

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High school is starting, and naturaly, I am breaking out especially from the stress. Is there any way i can get rid of my acne in as little as 3 days? i know chris gibson has a book that explains it, but i dont have time to buy it. i have benzaclin and differin, but those are not clearing it. the primary problem areas are on my cheeks, and ESPECIALLY on my CHIN




  1. Go to a washroom.

    Put warm or hot water on the part of where the zit is. Just make sure it doesn't feel like fire!

    Get a face scrub (St. Ives Apricot and Oil of Olay are recommended)and apply it on the zit, and if you want your whole face.

    Rub it for about 5-10 seconds.

    Now wash it with warm or hot water again.

    Make sure no scrub is left after washing.

    Do this again tomorrow, and you should have flawless skin!


    -Let it go away naturally, washing your face with a cleanser 2 times every day to prevent new ones. It will probably go away right away. (And don't be stressed! You'll get more zits.)

    -Buy a small spot treatment acne treater. Apply it to needed areas daily.

    -Go organic! Use a home treatment. Make a paste out of baking soda and water and apply over face, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse it off. Or, combine banana, baking soda, and a splash of 2% milk or cream for a mask


    step 1: take a cotton ball

    2: soak it in warm salt water (water and add salt)

    3: put it on the zit and let it stand there for about 5 minutes. *this gets rid of all the bacteria and dirt from under your skin*

    4. take it off, take abother cotton ball and soak it in warm water, make it damp.

    5. put a little vinegar on the cotton ball. (1/2-1 teaspoon)

    6. put in on the zit again and let it stand there for 5 minutes. *this flattens the zit and takes out the dirt from underneath.* then take it off.

    7. wash your face with warm water and soap

    8. repeat step 7 for the ten days you have until your freshman pic, it should be gone by the time you take the picture if you wash your face everyday, 2 times a day and if you do the treatment.

    ~or instead of washing with soap and warm water, you can use a cleanser~

  2. effective way to reduce stress is to do regular deep breathing exercises. Simply take a deep breath in and then out without straining yourself in any way. Cleaning the skin properly is also important in the fight against acne.

    Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne    

  3. meds idk if u can that fast good luck

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