
How can I get rid of ants in my bedroom?

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I've never eaten in my upstairs bedroom, but the past couple of days, I've noticed tiny, golden colored ants around my glass of water. I've never had anything edible besides water in there. Any ideas how to get rid of them or what could be attracting them?

Plus, I don't have ants anywhere else in the house.




  1. Use a vacuum to suck them up. This is so easy.  They are gone in an instant !   Without poison or bad smell in your bedroom.Just empty the bag outside or in your trash away from the house.  If you really want to kill them you could spray Raid  or cornstarch in the bag once you have sucked them up. Then just toss the bag. Water outside so they will not be attracted to the water inside. They should leave you alone. Works for me!

    Here are some other ways to get rid of ants. Short and simple!

    If there are only a few you may spay them with water mixed with a little dish soap and then sponge them up.

    Toxic pesticide sprays and dusts are poor choices in managing ant populations. Their use can make ant problems worse by causing colonies that reproduce by budding to split up into multiple colonies.(5) Most pesticide applications are not directed at the nest, and because in some species only 5 percent of a colony's workers are out foraging at any one time, they can leave 95 percent of the colony intact.

  2. Ant motel

  3. They are attracted to the water. Terro Ant Killer. But keep out of reach of pets & kids.

  4. they could be white ants and have to be exterminated, so tell someone quick before they spread!!! also spray heaps of mortein on them

  5. Go to the hardware store and get a product called Terro Ant killer.

    It comes in different forms, but I prefer the liquid in a bottle.  You put a small amount on a small piece of cardboard and then watch them all come to it.  They will also bring some back to the nest and feed the rest.  After a couple days they will be gone.  Terro is the best and works.

  6. Ant poison.  

  7. If it is an upstairs room, you may look near your windows for an opening to the outside.  They are getting in your room somehow!  To get rid of them,

    Fill a spray bottle with three parts dish soap and one part water.  When you spray the ants, they will die on contact.  Keep wiping down your surfaces and you should begin to see a decline in ant numbers.  

    Most importantly, find out how they are getting in to your room!!!

  8. you can put ant posion in your room so that it kills the ants and gets rid of them!

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