
How can I get rid of flies!?

by  |  earlier

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First of all my house is clean, but for some reason flies have gotten really bad. How can I get rid of them without spraying chemicals all over the house? They are getting very annoying.




  1. Fill a ziplock baggie 3/4 way full of water and hang above all your outside doors. This deters them and you won't hardly get any indoors. Check all your screens and make sure you have no tears in them. Also check under your screen doors, there is often time a gap and they will get right in. Fixing any of those problems should eliminate you problem. If you sit outside spray yourself and the surrounding area with a mixture of 1/2 Listerine and 1/2 water in a spray bottle. They won't go near you and it works on mosquitoes too.

  2. Fly sticker!

    Or there's these things called fly traps, where its a little container that looks like a peanut butter jar, and theres this sweet stuff in it, and the flies get in, but they can't get out.

  3. It must the environment. You can make a report to the neighbourhood police or call the pest exterminator to check it out for you.

  4. u could get a zip lock bag and fill half way with water hang it up were no one sees. this is wat some of the restraunts do around here 4 that problem

  5. Talk to the guy from the question above you.

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