
How can I get rid of moles?

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How can I get rid of moles?




  1. They don't like castor oil.  You can buy a product that is spreadable with your fertilizer spreader, made up of castor oil and I think it is corn husk ground up.  It will not harm you, your kids and pets.  But remember one thing, moles get rid of grubs in your lawn.  The grubs eat your plants, flowers and vegetables.  They aerate your lawn, and they don't eat your plant roots.  They might disturb your plants roots, but they will settle back down.  Gophers do eat your plant roots.  So make sure which one you have before you decide to get rid of the moles.  

  2. If they are raised, go to a dermatologist to professionally remove them.  

  3. mark all the mounds you have now wait for two new ones to appear. light 2 road flairs and stick them down each hole that normally works well

  4. There's an effective mole poison that has a conical end that penetrates the tunnels, where you deposit the stuff.

  5. Most mole baits are either corn husk or grain based, that would be fine if moles were omnivorous, but they are not, they are true carnivores. They only eat insects and worms.  Up until last year there was no real way to go after them other then to use a grub control type of insecticide. The idea behind this was that the grubs were the moles favorite food and if they could not find them, they would go elsewhere to live. Now there is a product on the market which actually works, and i have had nothing but amazing results with it. It is called Taliprid (sp?)   It is Pretty much nothing more then very soft plastic worms which are impregnated with the scent of real worms. They also happen to be laced with a poison similar to rat or mouse baits.

    You can not just place the bait in any mole hill. Many mole hills are feeding tunnels which the moles just dig until they find a worm and never come back to it again. you need to establish which tunnels are their travel tunnels. this can be easily done by poking a finger sized hole into the tunnel and marking the spot with a small stick or stone. Come back in a couple of days and see if the hole has been repaired. Moles hate sunlight so they repair the ones in the tunnels that they use very quickly. Once you have established which tunnels are the travel tunnels go ahead and place the baits inside the tunnel by poking another hole and sticking the worm inside. Even though they are traveling through the tunnels they will stick pick up the worm and bring it back to their nest where all the critters will share it. You can pick this product up at pretty much any garden or landscaping, hardware store.  

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