
How can I get rid of my motion sickness?

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I've tried medicine,it doesn't work. I always puke and stuff in cars,buses,and amusement park rides (but I don't get on those). It really stinks. I want some method to overcome it. I have to ride the bus this year and I've already gotten sick on it twice. If you know a way please help.




  1. Ginger..

    They work on boat motion sickness...its been proven by scienists.

  2. Besides Dramamine and the bracelet. I saw an episode on Food Channel doing tests about using ginger candies, ginger pills to curb motion sickness. They have testers riding on the spinning teacups. The conclusion is it works! You can buy the candies in Asian supermarkets or health stores. Good luck!

  3. Ginger has been known to help with motion sickness.You can buy capsules in a vitamin store,or just chew on some ginger root that you can buy very cheaply in any supermarket.Ginger root is strong,so don't chew on a big piece.Take some in a baggie and noone will know you have it in your mouth.Good Luck.

  4. did you try taking dramamine? or they have a bracelet and they have things to put behind your ear check at your pharmacy  cvs or walgreens some stores like that hope you find some relief

  5. dramamine is the best but if your getting sick everytime like that you may want to see a Dr. your equilibrium could be off or something might be wrong with your ears i would get it checked out

  6. I always say I get seasick in the bathtub, but we love to travel, so I've never let it stop me!  I've tried a number of things depending on how we're traveling and what we're doing.  Here's our page on motion sickness....  you can see some of the options.

    Read what the  US Center for Disease Control has to say here:

    Happy travels... even if you don't travel the world... just remember that life is a journey... embrace and enjoy it!

  7. try bonine - its like dramamine but doesn't make you drowsy (over the counter and disgustingly chewable).

    like the person above said - when i went ona  cruise people had patches behind their ears for motion sickness and pressure bracelets (which i thought were a load of BS) for the wrists which supposidly kept motion sickness at bay

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