
How can I get rid of my "curves" ?

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I am 17, I have an "hourglass" shape and I HATE it!!! I am 5'8/5'9 and weigh 119 pounds and I still can't get rid of these stupid curves. I hate having hips and b***s; I want to look like I did when I was 13. Can anyone help me, PLEASE? I usually wear a sports bra because my b***s are a b-cup and I hate when guys stare at them! I really hate my body right now, I look so old! I don't know what to do. I mostly want smaller hips, any ideas on how to make them look smaller ?




  1. Hahaha, wow! I'm sorry you aren't happy with your body but there isn't too much you can do. You will never be 13 again, just embrace what you were given and take care of yourself.

  2. You need to embrace your new body. It isn't going anywhere. I'm surprized your not happy. Soooo many girls would die for your shape!  

  3. You can't make your hips narrower.  That's bone structure, and the thinner you get, the more defined they will become.  You could destroy your health by gaining a bunch of weight - exchange the hourglass for a potato - but that's not necessary.  You sound like you could easily tip into anorexia.  You really should talk to someone about it.

    I suspect it's not a dislike of your body you're expressing, but a dislike of the unwelcome attention it draws.  

    If that is so, wear disguising clothing.  Shifts, tunics, high necklines, looser pants or long flowing skirts.  Fashionable and attractive clothing in looser styles does exist.  Think "flutter".  No bare midriffs, low-rider pants, short shorts, low necklines.  Nothing that defines the waistline.  Think "modest".

    And then wait.  Someday you will appreciate what you have.

  4. you bout crazy aint you................... just eat at subway and drink water

  5. Diet and Exercise.....lay of of the sweets and do something to get your body moving

  6. You sound like you look fantastic!

    Why do you want to look less feminine?

  7. You're already too thin for your height.

    Losing more weight could cause a problem.

  8. ... i like the curves....

  9. You're joking me

    Don't change, the guys will love ya.

  10. you are A PSYCHO!

    seriously everyones dying to have ur shape

    im 12 and a half and everyone in my grade wears pushup bras and jeans to show off ther buttt so thats weird of you..

  11. well i agree with you on the boob part...cos i  happen to think anything bigger then a small C just makes people look weighed down and top heavy....but your b***s are a B so i dont see why you would want them smaller...haha i think you just want to look like you have a eating only a few pounds lighter then you and about 9 inches shorter...LOLLLLLLLLLLL and im i cant imagine how skinny you already look!

  12. i suggest to do a lot of cardio workouts. running would probably be best to help narrow ur hips. i would try to avoid hills because they build bigger and stronger leg muscles which makes u look a little curvy also to TONS of crunches. do them to the front and to the sides.

    sorry about the rude comments in womens health!! :(

    hope this helps u a bit

  13. I personally think the way that you are describing your current appearance sounds attractive.  Your body is just changing from childhood into adulthood and you just aren't used to it.

    If you really just hate the way that you are developing, I guess that you could just diet and exercise as much as possible to slim you up a bit.  But I think that your height/weight ratio is very healthy and you are probably developing into the best shape of your life, so don't take it for granted!

    I just read my answer and it sounds kinda weird and creepy.  Oh well.

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