
How can I get rid of tennis elbow

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How can I get rid of tennis elbow





  2. I know exactly how to get rid of tennis elbow.I used to go to the gym and was okay but then i decided to lift a peice of big concrete  slab from my garden and devolped tennis elbow which i had for 3 months. I found holding a pint of lager difficult.I read online and followed instructions.These excerises should be done everyday as that muscle has been damaged and needs to build up again slowly...

    1.The table edge.Squeeze the front of a table edge 10 times.

    2.Fist your hand and squeeze as though you are squeezing a squeezy ball.Even better to sqeeze a sqeezey ball.Do this 10 times.

    3.Fist your hand completley.Do not sqeeze.Position as holding a bunch of flowers upright.Move wrist only up and down 10 times.

    4.Fist your hand.Postion as holding a bicycle handle bar and move wrist left and right 10 times.(Speed for 3 and 4 should be 1 sec for an up and down motion.

    This does work and wil be cured in 1-2 weeks.But best advise is from a doctor.

  3. There is something called Bi0-freeze that chiropractors use on there patients. It works for all kinds of things. It is kind of like icy hot but better. You can't get it at the store but there is something very close to the name if it. I am not sure if that will help you. I hope it does though. You can find it at walmart.

  4. Some helpful suggestions.....

    If it just started, sometimes rest alone can get rid of it.

    -ice it a lot, 20 minutes a few times a day at least

    -anti inflammatory meds can give some relief

    -wear a counterforce brace when possible

    -rest it

    -use warm-up, stretching, and strengthening exercises (I'm sure you can find these online)

    If the pain is beyond this and it's ongoing, you may have to consider surgery or cortisone injections.  Ultrasound therapy can also be pretty effective.

  5. You may never. A buddy of mine has a sever case, He has to go in and get pain killer shots into his elbow every four months or something ridiculous like that. Go to a doctor before you do any more exercise. I hope the best for you.

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