
How can I get rid of the bees in my barbecue?

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Apparently since the grill hasn't been used since last summer, some bees have built a nest in it. I don't know what kind of bees they are, if they're wasps or hornets or what, definitely not honey bees though. I read that you can call up your local beekeepers and have them remove the bees, especially since there's a shortage, but are they only interested in honey bees? I'd prefer not to kill them, but if that's the only way.... Honestly, I'd like to get a new grill anyway. That may not be an option though. I don't really like the idea of chemicals or poisons. What should I do?




  1. Call the city animal control.  They will either take care of it or tell you who to call.  DO NOT try anything yourself please.

  2. If honey bees-call a bee keeper.

    If can either kill them yourself or get someone to kill them for you-there is no other way.

    If they are yellow jackets... you had better be careful... they can kill you.

    If you do this it at night, with as little light as possible. They will not fly if they can not see.

    If you can find a plastic trash bag big enough to fit over your grill. Put it over the grill and then put in a "total release airesol" bomb that is labeled for bees and wasps.

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