
How can I get rid of the dry skin on my daughter's hands and feet?

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is this normal? she is 12 days old.




  1. My son is 2 weeks old and gas dry hands/feet also.I use baby lotion,and its nearly gone (:

  2. my new born baby boy is 17 days old and was born 10 days late so he has very dry skin all over i use baby oil and baby lotion but was told by the midwife that olive oil is ver good for babys dry skin havnt tried it yet but apparenty it works very well x

  3. it is normal my lil one had the same problem n she sometime still does :) i found that works really well is the huggies shea butter lotion n u dont even need it all the time dont use the johnson baby lotion it can dry ur baby skin more n irrataite it more n lots baby have allergy to it i've found huggies products work way better than johnsons products n is way safer n could also try aveeno baby lotion it helps to aspecailly on kids

  4. yes its very normal; its just the coat of skin that protected her in the womb.

    it'll go away on its own. but u can use baby aveeno; it works great.

  5. awh! congrats on the new baby!! i have a 3 week old  ;-)  

    on this baby and the last (20 month old) they had dry skin on their hands and feet. very normal.  the first baby, i used johnsons baby lotion. it took a few days to clear up.

    a few days ago, though, i bought huggies baby lotion with shea butter and oatmeal in it. the dry skin seriously went away after the first application. its only about $4 for a large bottle at wal mart or cvs.

    hope this helped, and congrats again!

  6. Just continue to lotion the baby and make sure u keep her/his skin moist. I even mixed my lotion with a little vaseline. Better to use Johnson Baby Lotion.

  7. My fourth child was born with VERY dry skin.  I used Vitamin E capsules on it, just snipped the end and rubbed the oil in.  I preferred that to using the scented chemically lotions I had on hand.

  8. Yes, it's normal. Her body is getting used to the outside world.

    I suggest putting Lanisoh cream (used for chapped nipples from breast feeding) on her hands and feet because it's extremely lubricating AND it's ok if she gets it in her mouth .. (it's made with the intent of being in a baby's mouth; so you don't have to worry about it making her sick.)

    My son was (is!) a thumb-sucker and his fingers would get extremely chapped from sucking all the moisture out; I put some of my nipple cream on his fingers and I noticed a difference the first day. If it can put moisture back in my son's thumbs, it will definitely keep moisture on your daughters hands and feet =]

  9. We have been massaging our 2 week old son with olive oil to get rid of his dry skin - especially bad on hands and feet.

    They also say try not to use any products but we have tried Boots Expert Sensitive baby top to toe wash with no issues.

    Good luck and try the olive oil - its natural so won't irritate skin further.  

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