
How can I get rid of these feelings?

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I have these stupid feelings that something bad is going to happen even though nothing is going to happen! I WANT TO GET RID OF THESE FEELINGS! as you can see i had trouble in the past with the internet. and i told my parents and i know nothing will happen. but i keep having these thoughts in my head that make me want to explode!!!! help!




  1. You probably will not like this answer. but, I believe that if you keep focusing your energy on waiting for something bad to happen, you will cause it to happen.

    You need to find a way to focus on positive events. Watch funny movies, listen to music that encourages you to dance around the house. Be happy!

  2. I get that sometimes.  Sort of impending doom.  Like something terrible is going to happen and you have no power to stop it.  So you want to just hide.  

    I found that talking with a psychologist helped a lot.  I also started doing art therapy.  I draw, write and/or paint when one of those feelings takes a hold of me.  It helps me to get it all out of my system.  

    If you do not have access to a Dr. perhaps a good friend or pastor.  Good luck...I know just how scary this is.  Remember that things do get better.  You just have to believe that they will.  

  3. you need to go to a psychologist, I think you may have anxiety and/or depression problems. But first you need to take a deep breath, calm down, and try to go for a long walk or a run to distress a bit. talk to your parents about your feelings or maybe a close friend. If the feelings continue try to get outside help. it does not mean that you are not sane or anything like that. my mother has had depression and it wasn't for a big reason. you can get rid of bad feelings by letting them out.  

  4. You are trying to develop your sixth sense. You know how you can feel deep inside that something is going to go wrong usually something does. Use this sense with caution as you are overly aware of you surroundings and going to an extreme. Slow down and pay attention to your true gut feelings and you will be fine

  5. Think of a Good Place a Private place where nobody knows but you.

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