
How can I get rid of this girl?

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So this girl, Anna and I used to be best friends 3 years ago. Basically she started slagging off my friends and acting weirdly so I told her to get lost, and basically leave me alone because I realized what a stupid, immature looser she was. I just find everything about her pathetic and irritating.

I'm glad she's out of my life for good, I've been so much happier. But we are still connected by lots of mutual friends. Whenever I hear about her, it makes me want to scream about how pathetic she is. Absolutely everything about her pisses me off. She does really irritating things like rubbing that fact she's best friends with so-and-so in my face and making sarcastic comments to me. How can I get her out of my life for good?




  1. Yes there is a problem and that problem is you.

    You have disposed of her like you do old toilet paper. Yet you forgot that you share friends so rather than flush her away she is still in your life.

    The amusing thing about this little mess is that the more you try to flush that toilet the more she is there looking up and smiling at you.  

    You say.

    "Absolutely everything about her pisses me off. "

    Thats fair enough but its not fair if you expect everyone else to have the same opinion just because you believe its is so.

    "She does really irritating things like rubbing that fact she's best friends with so-and-so"

    What business is it of yours if she is best friends with so-and-so.

    If you feel she is rubbing that in your face all you need to do is agree that she is a great friend and that neutralises it anyway.  

    The more your annoyed the more she is pleased. If you were smart you would let this go, say nothing to others as only you can loose in the long run.  

  2. u cant


    shes in ur memory

    but she'll fade away soon

    you gotta give it time

    then when ur older and you look back and think about this


    and then u thank me for this answer ^.^

  3. Its called selective hearing,

    When someone says something about her

    block it out and ignore it xD

    i use it all the time when my mom talks =]

  4. restraining order and im not joking she could be a stalker

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