
How can I get rid of this girl!?

by  |  earlier

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So there's this girl, probably the meanest person I've ever met, that has no friends. So a loooong time ago, I tried being really nice to her because she had no friends and I didn't know she was mean. Now, she think we're BFF but the only words that come out of her mouth are mean ones usually like "You're so ugly." or "No guys like you." and so forth. Everytime i tried to make her go away nicely she seeks revenge and get even meaner.

How can I get rid of her!!?

P.S. being blunt and telling her to go away will get her furious and cause her to seek drastic revenge.




  1. Did you try telling her something like this"Look, if you keep pushing me around, I'm not going to be your friend." You could also tell her the reason why everyone trys to avoid her. Talk to a trusted adult for advice, like persay your mom and dad, teacher, etc. If shes still bothering you, try contacting the school phycologist or guidance councelers. Even the principals.

  2. wow, she is nuts i tell you, perhaps plot revenge first, or it's best to call in the military, or the police, or the principal

  3. kill her.

    i'm just kidding. talk to ur mom

  4. Don't kill her.:)


  5. Yikes! I wouldn' try to get rid of her, just simply drift from her. If she stills tries to hang around you just let it slide. Don't be mean to her, but don't invite her to do things and sit at a different lunch table or talk to other friends as often as possible. Maybe she will eventually catch on. When she says something mean just roll your eyes or if she says youre ugly say something like, "Then why do you hang around me so much?" She sounds like a pain in the azz.

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