
How can I get rid of this horribe horrible smell?! (flowers)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so my dad bought these flowers, i thougth they were very nice at first, but now its really starting to annoy me. It stinks so bad I have to get a hanky and gover my nose, although i can't breathe properly. How can i get rid of it? Obv. i cant't hide them or throw them away, any other way to get rid of this smeel, it is very strong. Description: Pink, big, smelly! and inside they have pricks.




  1. Perhaps your father likes the smell.  What gives you the right to dictate what others can enjoy.  Stay away from them.  If they are at the dining table ask if you can move them during the meal.......and bring them back afterwards.  Yes the smell is sweet, but being cut flowers they won't last forever.  A few days misery for you but a life time of bad memories about you if you keep whining about them.  

  2. ~ through them out. Tell dad they died.  

  3. Pay a visit to a local cow shed?...thats horrible!...

  4. are they oriental lilies?

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