
How can I get rid of this kidneys pain..apart from the antibiotics?

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Please please if anybody knows anything let me know, I'm already 2 days antibiotic medication but it still hurts the same..




  1. STAY on your antibiotic. It's going to kill everything that's in your kidney. Kidney infections hurt (If that's what you have),

    Take Motrin for the pain otherwise. Drink tons of water.

  2. Your antibiotics should start to take effect from now it is usually about 24-48 hours before they begin to help. You should keep drinking loads of clear fluids to flush out your kidneys and help to clear the infection. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. I've had a few kidney infections before (I assume that's what the problem is) and heat can help. Get yourself a heatpack/hot water bottle or take a nice warm bath.

    Take some Panadol or Nurofen or something similar to help numb the pain until the proper meds start to work.

    Sometimes lying flat on your back will help take the pressure off your kidneys if they're swollen from the infection (which they most likely are). Sitting and slouching puts more pressure on them and causes more pain so try to avoid this.

    In my experiences my pain went away the same day I started taking medication. Did your doctor tell you how long it should take for the meds to kick in? If it's still not better in another day or two I'd be going back for a check up.

  4. Drink Cranberry Juice it helps when you have probloms with your kidneys it will clean you out!

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