
How can I get rid of this smell?!?

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Ok, so a while ago I found a rotton potato (OK, a few) in a drawer in my kitchen. My apron was in the drawer with these rotton potatoes...I got rid of the potatoes and the smell has left the drawer but I can NOT get it out of the apron! It smells sooo bad. I've washed it twice and it still stinks. Does anyone know if there is a way to get rid of this bad smell? I know it's crazy--I could just throw it out--But it's a nice apron!




  1. gain with bleach? Good luck.   Why didn't you make vodka w/ the bad potatoes? LOL

  2. lemons!

  3. Well it is all easy and simple, you can't wash out that rotten potato smell, but you CAN wash out the tomato smell. So you take rotten onions and rub them into the apron to cover up the potato smell,...then you rub the rotten cabbage into the apron to cover potato smell, then you rub the rotten tomatoes into the apron to cover up the cabbage smell...and voila! you just wash out lightly that rotten tomate smell, and your apron is like new....And when you havw some time on your hand take a spelling refresher course.  

  4. Have you tried soaking it in vinegar then washing with baking soda?

    Good luck

  5. get a bucket and soak it in borax for a day then wash it  as for the draw  i say get some stick on air fresheners put it in the draw if both dont owr  soak it in baking soda an sitck on e in the draw

  6. You can try adding a cup of Ammonia to the wash water. I have used ammonia to get sweat odors out of my husband's shirts.  

  7. Now I'm reaching back to my " Living In the Wild " Days...

    To get stubborn smells out of fabric you'll want soak it in a bucket of mild soapy water for a day then affix it to a board so it is stretched taught. This should be placed in direct sunlight outside ( not through a window) for a few days...maybe like three days but it won't matter if you go longer.

    Now it should be soaked in a bucked of mild soapy water for a day..then change the water...then repeat...maybe three days here.

    One last day back outside before you wash it regularly....

    I'm sure there are easier methods these days but " Back In The Old Days" and living in the wild you had to use nature and natural forces to do your tasks...

    Plus..this will not harm the material in any way...

  8. Boil it in a big pot with some lemon juice (be liberal). Then wash it again.

  9. you could spray let the laundry detergent soak and then wash it or maybe bleach it if it dont work buy a new one

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